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Check out some of my favorite Crypto YouTubers:

Crypto Love: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu7Sre5A1NMV8J3s2FhluCw
Crypto Beadles: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcE2GkGcKxHjZoMVM7tjmyA
Crypto Crow: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsRWmIL5XKqFtdytBfeX0g
Crypto Disruption: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxYycmlCSHcLaY5h7u5kmg
Keith Wareing: https://www.youtube.com/user/optionxe
I Love Crypto: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiMgF08KQ4z-Gnu8o2BLOxA
Miggity Miner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjgFHwnO1_YJk_UBTb3rqg
Crypto Wendy O: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCla2jS8BrfLJj7kbKyy5_ew

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  1. So many Bitcoin maximalists would have you believe that Bitcoin is simply untouchable.
    "But but but, it's anonymous". No it's pseudoanonymous, just like most of the other coins.
    “But but but, it's decentralized". No, a few Chinese mining pools control over 51% of the hash rate, and 4.11% of BTC holders hold 96.53% of BTC.
    "But but but the government can never take your bitcoins away". True, but they can make bitcoins illegal, destroying the current value into dust.
    "But but but Lightning Network will make Bitcoin competitive again". LN works with ALL coins, it won't give Bitcoin any special advantage. Regardless though, if an altcoin (say XRP?) already performs at far greater transaction rates than LN, and costs nearly nothing, then why would you choose a bicycle with wings, over a jet? Moreover, LN is having all kinds of problems with scaling.
    "But but but, it's a store of value!". Every coin, every single coin, is a store of value. That's what makes them coins. If they didn't store value, then what would they be good for?
    The point is, Bitcoin is running out of cards. It simply cannot compete with the next generation of tokens. It's basic human nature to stay with what is familiar, and so we witness the predictable manifestation of purists, maximalists, and anarchists, hanging on for dear life to their beloved 'precious'. Here's the kicker though, none of these Bitcoin evangelists have any power to stop what's coming.

  2. i don't believe what the US is telling us about the Iranians, it is all american made FUD to plant hate towards certain countries and it worked for decades .
    just when bitcoin took a high dive in a low well they came up with that story among others. how convenient .

  3. Theoretically still anonymous but not without the flaw of following other people's account. I think fiat would still be the default way for illegal activities, as it takes more work to follow the physical trail.
    Great video style. Like it very much.

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