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watching this in 2019, thank you , very informative
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but if you are seeing different timeframes candles will be different. Could you explain how to be general? I dont get it, if someone is looking for an 4 hours chart, and another is watching a day chart they will have different analysis….So in what time frame can anyone relay on?
Too too much chit chat. Lots of time waited stating the obvious. Just wanted the basics. Could have been accomplished in 2 min.
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this guy is retarted, he cant name 3 white soldiers cos he needs to practice
awesome video
great video. got alot out of it.
thanks for the value!
I made it about halfway before I had to turn it off. I can't handle him calling that pattern 3 black cows anymore.
It says CROWS!
FANTASTIC!! Thank you so much, I must admit, I was ignorant in my approach to trading UNTIL I saw this video and the included material you have provided us with. Thank you!
Thank you for investing time into teaching others. You are a true revolutionary person. I wish you the best of luck!
Excellent discrption
Who invented the candlestick again?
Thank you for all of your video’s, I appreciate it allot. Much love and good luck brother!
This is a great session on understanding candlesticks. I love the way he goes the extra mile to further help you understand the topic with a practice session. Thank you so much for this! Defiantly had to add to my subscription.
good job on the basic info
5:17, open is lower than close means bullish, close higher than open means bullish. you said the same thing.
Does this info also apply to day-trading?
isnt it 3 black crows?
Thanks for the tips, it really helped a lot 🙂
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Damn you didnt set the document to view only,, somebody erased the entire bottom of it 🙁
Hello, there are pages missing from the google doc
shame you do not make each candlestick indicator's meaning clear in the document.
not all labelled as bullish or bearish. It is understandable with downtrend uptrend etc but bullets points listing each as a buy indicator or a sell indicator would be helpful to beginners, in the page below the diagram
followed 🙂
This is a nice dictionary of patterns.
Love it, man. Thanks. I do notice some typos in the document. Is it okay for me to fix them on the google doc?