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IOTA Website:
White Paper:
IOTA GitHub:
Great Blog Posts by Roman Semko: (1)
Overview of Hashgraph:
Definition of DAGs:
Blog on IOTA and Internet of Things:
IOTA Tangle Security Concerns:
IOTA Team Addresses Security Concerns:

For those who have spent at least a little bit of time in the crypto space, it shouldn’t come as a complete surprise that people are searching for better ways to accomplish the same things that blockchains can.

It certainly isn’t inaccurate to say that blockchain technology was developed in an effort to circumvent the currenct financial system and all of those annoying middlemen. The goal was always to bring decentralization to all and to finally empower individuals to take control of their wealth, to be their own bank. But now, looking at the largest and arguably the most successfully crypto in regards to adoption, the one we all know as Bitcoin, we’re beginning to see this ideology taking the backseat. Mainly, there is no doubt a type of centralization occurring with the mining pools of bitcoin. There are now a handful of companies who can control the transactions of Bitcoin.
The only reason there was room for this to happen is thanks to the inclusion of transaction fees as a way to motivate miners to participate in the network.
Despite Satoshi’s best efforts to invent a system that could undermine the greedy financial system as we know it today, because money is still being used as a motivator in this new system, and us still being humans that are running it, we are still vulnerable of our human condition, in this case, that is to be greedy.

We are always looking for fast transactions, low or no fees and complete decentralization. Many cryptos have these perks right now, but the issue that hangs over everyone’s head is that of scalability.
This is where IOTA can be a game changer, and here’s why.

IOTA uses a type of DAG that they are calling “Tangle.” In their system, if you want to participate in their network, if you want to make transactions on their network, you need to help. For every transaction you’d like to submit on IOTAs Tangle, you will have to process two transactions from other users.
This shifts the motivating factor from extrinsic (that is only processing transactions for the sake of getting paid) to intrinsic (you help to secure the network so that you may also take part in it.) This also means that the more users of this network, the faster the transactions will be confirmed. IOTA has the potential to be completely decentralized, but for now, in its beginning stages, the network uses what you could call a bottleneck that they refer to as the “Coordinator.” So for now, it hasn’t yet reached it’s ideal status of being completely decentralized.
That being said, there are some security concerns that have been voiced. One of the points has to do with a flaw in the custom hash function called Curl. Basically, instead of taking tried and true cryptographic primitives to build their system, the IOTA team decided to write their own hash function called Curl. Basically, this can open the door for vulnerabilities concerning the validation of transactions.
If you’d like to learn more about this concern and how the IOTA team has since addressed the issue you can always take a look at their blog.



  1. The technology to show your face while also showing the screen gets wasted on people like crypto crow and crypto Bobby while we spend half the time watching your videos and just listening to you.

  2. There's another technical flaw in IOTA's basic architecture, causing huge overhead in the transaction size, relative to the intended scope (IOT) : It's based on a ternary base number, instead of binary, on which essentially all machines ('things') do run of course.

  3. This is the worst Crypto I've bought thus far. The transfer of my iota from Wallet to exchange has been unconfirmed for for over 24 hours and I've been reading several other cases on the Iota repository Iotaledger/Wallet where people have had their Iota stuck in confirmation mode for over 5 days! And, no help or comments from the Ioata team. I just want to dump it at this point – my guess is the price will plummet once the transactions are confirmed.

    Which leads me to wonder if they are manipulating this market by preventing people from selling by NOT confirming transactions while they continue to pump the stock/coin.

  4. Check out SNC.

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    Only, SNC is from Europe! They are new and their market cap is low compared to POWR.

    POWR market cap,

    SNC market cap,

    SNC's total coin supply is MUCH lower than POWR, so this coin can really move FAST!!! Buy SNC here,

  5. Hi, I'm Brazilian. I do not understand one thing .. in Brazil, we operate on bitfinex and my engine is 30.21193062, how do I see the real value in USD? sorry about my English.

    Olá, sou brasileiro. Não estou entendendo uma coisa.. no brasil, operamos na bitfinex e meu motante está 30.21193062, como vejo o valor real em USD? desculpe meu inglês.

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