Where I’m Looking to Sell Crypto
– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily
– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.
– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
Where I’m Looking to Sell Crypto
– Twitter/Instagram: @crypto_daily
– Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.
– #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
Link to Register For The UTEX Crypto Trading Competition – http://bit.ly/2FXrpyR
How much did you lose on that bet? Lol
Your need to take profits just went of the charts!
#Hodl gang don’t sell your bitcoin dumbasses. Wait till it hits 1000000
Please produce huge microphones with your brand and your poker face on it (little bit smaller than yours, because the king must be yours). We would definitely buy them, lol
Are you wearing a wetsuit?
I used to be about to throw in the towel forever the pursuit to make money over the internet but nevertheless, right about the final few moments I stumbled onto this copymy.site?242 which entirely altered my personal life.
this information is the greatest, but nevertheless once i really need to promptly pay a few bill amounts I make use of this here noboss.club?550 for some speedy money.
Am I the only one who realized the background music at the start of the video is from Dying Light? xD
it was never to late, sell it and wait for #BeatzCoin IEO and be rich
you're truly great, thanks u so much for revealing his with us! I came across probably the best way as you determine here mysuccess.live?813 to earn money from home
my strategy is buy high and sell low
I think you are getting better at technical analisys

Probably more useful that all those traders who draw things the way it suits them
The danger selling BTC in bigger quantities (whole units rather than fractions) is that it might be quite hard to buy it all back again – unlike XRP, there is much less BTC to go around. Most of it is being hodl'd and accumulated (just look at the rising market dominance which may be an indicator). No problems flicking the alts though.
Market doesnt stop dropping.. while others see half empty glass.. i see it half full.. Windhan, Beatzcoin, Membrana! I will be waiting a new video about the free fall during the last ours..
i see bars of green,
red candles too,
i see them patterns
i`m not chaisin you
and i think to my self
what a wonderful market
i see airdrops out of nowhere
the bright blessed day,
the dark contains overnight fees
but i gain ém anyway
and i think to my self
what a wonderful market
the colors of the chart
so pretty on trading view
on twitter
many faces go by
I see friends shaking hands,
thinkin fuck you
that’s how crypto saaays
i reck uuuu
Craig wright , the last line is for u
UTEX didn't happen sadly.
On the bright side, I'm watching this video to cheer myself up.
Thanks Daily.
Buy high, sell low. With leverage of course… Rekt guaranteed! Just don't hodl too long – it might be difficult to sell lower than you bought. Not a financial advice. ?
Thought this vid would be about the long term price goals to buy property or something.. not when the next dip is going to be
100k Bitcoin yea Boiiiii ??????
– look , if you can not tell us anything usefull than stop doing TA and talk about news and developments in crypto or maybe speculate about what could happen with the tec. in the future and things like that , this became same old same old every other day , just another bullshit artist
Keep up the good content. Sent you 5 BAT via Brave Browser
I keep missing great selling ops and end up hodling while others more astute than me increase their stack bit by bit patiently ??
Hey, You really need to check out UTRUST. It's a hidden gem. Please do a review on it
some people run from fear.. some run toward it..
experience breeds courage..
good luck dude
WHAT?! Me thinks this IS the dip! Time to buy not to sell.
I can only imagine that strapping into that Tether ride would have felt like placing ones nuts over a Spikey, Flaming, Jagged Glass laden, Mutant Rodeo Bull when you saw that green candle erupting before your eyes. Had it been me, I would have no shame in admitting that this JuicyVeganDwarfs underpants would most definitely have been well and truly soiled (front and back). Oh yes, Wild Wild Ride my friend but you did it you tamed the beasty like a pro. Creamy sauce… Nooooooiiiiice!!!!
Bitcoin could be at $5499 and then miss the $5500 when someone offers $5501 so technically it could miss $5500 – to put your reputation on the line is a big gamble – your a braver man than me as anything can happen in crypto.