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  1. The videos purpose is to not only point out the signs of an upcoming recession (so you can plan accordingly), but also to signify why things could be much worse as the deficit was easier to correct after the end of WW2. Give the full video a watch, you not only might get some value out of it, but it's full of various data points and historical comparisons ?

  2. Hey, Nick… Just want to say 'Man, i love all your videos' . I watch all your news updates, and i found your insights are very qualified & well diverse.Well down, my friend. You are one of the great ambassador for us little crypto consumer.

    Here's to another 1000 great video to comes!!

  3. Hi, thanks for the video. I would like to invest in stocks, but this major bull run in the last 2 years, especially the almost parabolic movements since december 18 for many stocks, scares me and reminds me of the crypto jan18 crash. I can hardly believe stocks will continue to grow without a major correction in the coming months…. the rsi indicator of many stocks seem high to overbought, lots of people are so bullish on stocks and are bragging about their returns, … I always remind myslf of Buffett’s quote “be fearful when others are greedy and vica versa`” … what is your opinion, and which other quality stock trading channels would you recommend`? Thank you.

  4. You are right about distribution of wealth with regards to exposure to assets. Some people understand money and diversify into assets, Some people are poor – living hand to mouth and others have money they could invest but have a low time preference – spending it on the latest technology new cars or whatever they want to consume.

  5. With the US government printing as much money as it wants and continuing to do so with it being no big deal forever and ever why not just expand to the next step? Why have ANY Taxation at all? The government can just continue to print as much as they want to infinity out of thin air and the american citizens can keep all of their income to stimulate and grow the economy with it. This way at least the american public is slight relief from the purposeful devaluation of there fiat savings through the relief of burdensome taxation ( legalized theft) that is apparently not really needed anyway if we can just print as much as we want with no limit or form of accountability.

    Government should have the same responsible spending habits as its citizens do you can only twist reality for so long before it becomes time to pay the piper and the day will come.

  6. Liked the video but, we live in a world now that globalist want lower population – so we must not confuse virtue with economics. Our country can not continue with higher rates = rates will only go lower, wealth will only consolidate more and the stock market will only rise during a recession. Any recession, no matter its severity, will be "news-cycled" out of the manufactured consent – and the prevailing narrative will focus on the march of fascism/totalitarian yellow journalism as it relates to the masses. Mass corruption/propaganda going forward all in an effort to maintain dollar hegemony.

  7. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on diversifying portfolios during the inevitable recession. Such as assets like cryptocurrency, precious metals, real estate, and USD. Great video Nick!

  8. Is it really possible that something like MMT, which is taking such a hold in economics at the moment, is overlooking something as simple as paying off debt interest? Is MMT positioning itself as something radical which benefits the people, when it’s really just an excuse to print more money for investors?

  9. Thanks for putting together this great video and great explanation of the US debt, interest rates, and the inevitable economic downturn headed our way. You should do more videos like these to hopefully educate more people on whats going on.

  10. Poor timing with the recent announcement of 3.2% gdp growth in the first quarter. Pullbacks always happen, but we're not going to have the 2008 housing crisis all over again.

  11. Great video Nic, thanks! One other aspect is that often money is used to make money. Instead of someone creating something, they make money (profit) from money i.e. lending. The debt industry (Payday loan companies etc) is a mechanism for the 1% to extract more money from the less wealthy which they then invest into already inflated markets – property, equities etc. The system gets inflated from that as well as QE etc.

  12. Hi Nick. I am pleased you have looked at and included MMT in this video. However I don't think the wikipedia article is yet as helpful as it might be. Check out any of these 39 vids , mainly by the current key thought leaders in this field, that I have in my Youtube playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLglLsHYODpAA2u5pIc8EWFPSvbHACJzOw) for a better understanding. These people are acknowledged in the wikipedia article. Essentially, MMT is not a theory as we would commonly understand that term to mean. It is a proposed description of fact, ie of how the thought leaders understand the system actually works, and has worked for a long while. It's not really a theory, but an explanation. The central assertion is that sovereign governments can AND DO print money from nothing as required, and have done since before the 1913 Act in the USA. This has been on record as confirmed by many in the system, including Greenspan, ex Fed Chairman. Issues and events such as coming off the gold standard to pure fiat, the potential impact of overcreation, ie overprinting while not adequately destroying money, eg via taxation, and what created money should be spent on are all important downstream issues. Anyway watch some of those videos, because those people explain it much better than I could.

  13. Good topic. I still do not understand why we are not seeing high inflation? Is this because the excessive money creation goes to stocks and real estate, but not into the real economy? How can we have a high money creation level (above economic growth), low interest rates and low inflation at the same time for so long? Or is there delay in this system, and will we see high inflation in a later stage? Love to see more on this.

  14. I gotta say it pretty much is still wartime spending. The US is literally fighting in 8 different countries that we know of publicly, either directly or indirectly. So I gotta say entitlement spending isn't the problem. The huge problem is the bloated military budget and the tax cuts to the top 1% which takes away a lot of the fed's income. I don't understand why social programs are always targeted first and called entitlement. End the wars and cut military spending. That would decrease fed spending. Implement medicare for all. That would save trillions of dollars than the current system in place. Make higher education free. That would create future generations of innovators and consumers who aren't burdened by debt which means new taxpayers and hence more income for the government. Subsidize clean energy and tax fossil fuel industries. That would pay for all the money that is wasted on tackling pollution every year. And most of all, increase taxes on the 1% so they pay their fair share of taxes. All these programs, if implemented would mean the fed spending would go down again over time. I agree with you a recession is coming but I gotta object on always the social programs criticized first instead of the real reasons why fed spending is so high. Also watch Mark Blyth's lecture on Global Trumpism and you can understand it more properly.

  15. Nick – you are simply wrong on all your points…. Sorry! But to take an example of you claim that bringing back something like the Gold Standard will make people happier because it might reduce the future risk of very serious economic recession (though we might get minor ones) and reduce in particular the wealth inequality – but the question you don't address is "at what cost"?

    "What needs to be remembered about weak, floating money is that it’s anti the very investment that fosters amazing economic advances. When the value of money is uncertain, those who have it protect in hard sinks of wealth (think land, art, rare stamps, gold, etc.) least vulnerable to devaluation. As a result, the economy sags in a relative sense due to a lack of economic experimentation or, what George Gilder refers to as the “leap.”

    Conversely, a return to stable, gold-defined money would render devaluation hedges much less attractive to those who have access to capital. What this tells us very explicitly is that quality money would unleash a surge of investment that would lead to staggeringly brilliant economic advances.

    Figure the car, aeroplane, health cures for maladies like Polio, computer and internet were all the result of investment, and all profoundly changed our lives for the better. These brilliant advances also logically birthed amazing fortunes for them enhancing the ability of entrepreneurs to serve the only closed economy; as in the world’s economy.

    A return to gold would tautologically lead to voluminous investment on the way to innovations that would render the best cars, computers, cures and internet connectivity of today rather prosaic in comparison. Even better, innovations we never thought we needed (was anyone calling for online shopping in the ‘80s?) would reveal themselves in rapid fashion.

    Our lives would be improved immeasurably by these advances, by definition. Innovation merely turns the baubles solely enjoyed by the rich, or concepts so advanced in scope that they’re enjoyed by no one, into common goods to be enjoyed by all. What needs to be stressed here is that such a scenario would lead – quite positively – to wealth inequality that would make today’s appear tiny by comparison.

    Far from a bad thing, we’d all be much better off. If this is doubted, readers need only ask if they would give back the car, computer and internet in return for the false God that is greater wealth equality. No doubt the congenitally socialist would, but the vast majority would not exchange the myriad wonders divined for us by the world’s richest."

  16. Lol i cant believe he is still bearish on Equities, this is the perfect environment for a bull market, everyone is still afraid of what happened in 2008 and equities will continue to rise for LEAST a couple more years, or until as unpopular as it is until trump is no longer president. I see where he is coming from in certain points but timing something like this can be very dangerous and may not play our for years to a decade

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