Bitcoin is heading toward an imminent breakdown. We are going to look at both scenarios and discuss which situation is more likely. We are also going to look at other Bitcoin & Crypto News stories.

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  1. With bitcoin, where there is potentially a drop as experienced lately, it should be seen as a potential to buy. The current correction in reality is long overdue and should be seen as a thing of joy as the dump is very temporal and also provides a unique time to grow your portfolio. I remember how last year at the peak of the bearish market when people where losing hope, my colleague was steadily cashing out and eventually introduced me to a trader, Rodney Howard whose system is so reliable, I saw my bitcoin portfolio grow by over 300% when others where selling their stash out of fear. Now same thing is happening and I am unfazed because I still trade using Rodney’s signals which have been confirmed to be among the most accurate among other providers in the space today. It’s a time to be smart and take advantage of a seemingly bad situation. Rodney can be reach by * Email (Rodneyhoward07@gmailcom) or via Whatsapp: +19083642121 and * Telegram @ Rodney07 *  for an insight into his trade system

  2. Wall street are master financial manipulaters people got what you wanted one of the largest criminal organizations in the world WALLSTREET ITS HERE IN BITCOIN DEAL WITH IT. GOVERNMENT ATTACHMENT TO WALL STREET DID YOU THINK THE GOV WAS TAKE BITCOIN SITTING DOWN .

  3. So Classic youtube. All these guys tell us to hodl and then they dump. jsnip4, cliff high, traderboss, digibyte dan, and many many more and now bitboy.!! ……. Thought he was different but guess he is just another follower not a leader. This whole space is a bunch of gamers who think they r traders. CME futures tanked market and now Bakkt dumps market. If any of you still think that the govt. will not get there hands in and control/supress price you are still naive. lol. Bankers will never surrender they will just buy the exchanges and supress. There is no good place to put your $$ anymore. They dont want everyone to be rich. WAKE UP! It's entertaining at the least. Happy Dumping!

  4. B, buy Xrp and wait man, at least the losses wouldn't be so bad…lol…but we've been talking about this for so long, this is the stage when the big boys want us out of crypto( retailer crypto holders) will be a thing of the past. So don't sell out ..wait…

  5. Technical analysis shaky at best and a total pseudoscience at worst. You may get lucky for a time, but it’s high risk, and those who live by the sword eventually die by the sword. This doesn’t mean you have to HODL though. Go back to your video on Shrimpy and implement a rebalancing strategy! That will outperform hodling if done correctly and it’s much harder to screw up

  6. So Glad I bought at the bottom and not much at all. I haven't spent a red cent on any coin for the past 8 months. Just shoved it into my hard wallet and tossed it into my safe. There it will lay till the end of days!

  7. This is great Ben, but most of us can't afford Market Cypher. We all use the old charts. <— Miner by the way, but I trade the easy stuff too. AND I live in Orlando if you want a beer 🙂

  8. I understand you are feeling the fear but how do you do a 180 like that? I feel your opinion is mostly based on FUD and TA of others that are only looking at the short to medium term of BTC. You must like to hear yourself speak just don't teach TA if you don't understand it. Share your opinion by any means but hope you understand the impact and role as a influencer in crypto. Hoped you could take a step back before going live and not jump to conclusions realizing that you're talking to a community that also looks at you to find strength and hope when it gets tough. I don't have the answers on the direction we are going and everything could happen and wished you painted that picture for them to. Looks like you forgot why we are in crypto to start with. Do you think they let us win this easily? They will do anything to make us loose hope, thanks for helping. Who's manipulated now? Just hope your weak hands don't lead to weak minds!

  9. My frustration with HODLing peaked last year. I followed a few analysts on youtube to find who I was comfortable with. If you're comfortable with cryptoface, then go for it. There are pretenders out there for sure. I'm not even going to name right now which trade group I'm with because it's not about promoting anything for me. If you have great success with cryptoface then I might consider switching over. I still follow you not because of HODLing but because of the info you provide that I just don't have time for to research myself.

  10. I'm digging the casual, no hat look brother!? Btw, it would be cool if we saw a 3k bitcoin. You could almost buy a whole Bitcoin with the profits from your $500 dollar trade. And when Bitcoin goes to to $1Mill, you could legit say you flipped $500 to a Mill??

  11. It's ok if you change direction, or change your mind. That's what life is. What I like about you is your transparency. You take us along and teach us as you go. I appreciate that. I know nothing about trading so if you continue to show us what this or that line means, I'm all for it.

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