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On today’s episode of Your Daily Crypto News, we take a break from the markets and news for BitBoy to tell his personal story regarding Bitcoin and how he got into cryptocurrency. Remember to Hodl on during these tough times.


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Created by Ben Armstrong & Justin Williams.



  1. Thank you for sharing your story on how you got in to Crypto. Acknowledging where we have been helps us get to where we want to go. As for myself I kind of fell into crypto by chance as well. Just got told the right thing at the right time which made me take a deeper look into the stuff…

  2. Semen I had to take a significant amount out about 2 months ago because I didn't get the money and now I am cornered I need to take some more but I am not willing to sometimes it's not that you're panicking but you need the money so probably yeah it's pretty bad the situation on the market I was expecting explosive growth in the spring

  3. Hahaha. If I had to write an essay on ‘Why I HODL’ it would sound a lot like my essay on ‘Why I’m a Mets fan’ – I refuse to break despite: prolonged heartache, ownership FOMO over past-their-prime FAs, Wild Card berth green candles but most importantly I BELEIVE! Hahahaha

  4. I really enjoyed this video. I only been in crypto a few months and have no intention of getting out. I actually get excited when the market is like this, I only wish I had more money to be buying more.

  5. I've known about crypto since nearly the very beginning. Didn't work up the courage and spend the time on education to buy until after the Mt. Gox crash though. Gotta be patient, your version of HODL is just about right though.

    It's crazy how that little bump of Mt. Gox on the chart seemed so big at the time. Wouldn't surprise me if the first half of this year ends up looking just as tiny as mt. gox crash when we're 5 years into the future.

  6. Awesome story mate. I invest on a moto of no risk no reward. The tech behind this is brilliant and it is here to stay. Am I depressed? well no this is an opportunity where I can I increase my holdings in coins/tokens I believe will be at the top in years to come. If it goes down more then so be it, where I can increase my stake I will most likely increase it.
    So why do I do this? Because like you I believe in crypto and the tech behind it and I also believe that one day this is how all business transactions will take place. While I missed out on the prices early in bitcoin history, bitcoin is still young and being adapted more everyday within the business sector so my belief is we have not missed out yet on rockets, lambos, moon, and all the other cool stuff to come. This is not financial advice here just my opinion.
    Please DYOR and avoid the scammers

  7. Just like the rise of the tech stocks, you could be investing in the next or you could be investing in the next Netflix. We can't deny that the new cryptocurrency space is only getting bigger, but don't put all your eggs into one basket.

  8. Man i Always punish myself for dismissing Bitcoin when i first found about it (cost less than 1k). But then again i think a younger version of me who invested would've made the same mistake of cashing out just like in your story. Anyways, that's a lesson to have in mind, I'm honestly thankful to be involved in Crypto and truly believe in the technology so hodling won't be hard.

  9. I remember really thinking of investing in this last year at this same time. Unfortunately I was struggling with drug addiction. I had 200 set aside to put in that I ended up blowing. Possibly for the best because if I had a large stack of money last year I'd probably be dead by now. Getting clean and building my bag now.

  10. problem is we dont really know what these things are really worth, even if the technology is great, that doesnt mean these tokens should be worth as much as they are, even now tey might be over valued

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