Will Tether Change Bitcoin ‘s Current Trend?

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Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. I just want to say thank you for producing great content while not being a ridiculous shill of margin trading or some other garbage referral program. You can really tell who paid shills are because they mention bybit for a couple of minutes per episode. I have friends who they have approached and they are aggressively promoting via native marketing (eg. lying or getting others to lie for them and not disclosing paid advertisements).

    All of the professional traders I know use margin trading only in very specific scenarios, as they know in most cases the math pushes your likelihood of a successful trade far far down. It just doesn't make sense to trade on margin the same way you trade crypto – a highly volatile asset with exchanges that promote or engage in market manipulation constantly.

    So, thanks.

  2. Do that guy really needed to write a book to demonstrate why Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme? Bitcoin is getting old, stop worshiping a useless coin, does this word need to consume so much energy just for a secure decentralised transaction? Look forward, Bitcoin soon will be like an intel 386 compared to the actual CPUs.

  3. Tether price can go up to $1.016 in one year with 1.30% growth in long term earning potential. It also hopes for the 5.69% increased revenue for 5-year investment. This is a good return, given the current scenario.

  4. When I look back at graph lines I see the Swiss Alps first followed by Table Mountain leading into the himalayas then resulting into the Mariana Trench. Sticking with Mother Nature this is followed by a Surfers Seventh Wave to start momentum again. Peace be with you brothers and Sisters and may your lantern be powered by green energy using LED lights…any color you want…oh throw in a glitter ball why not!

  5. Perfect video, dude. I'm very glad you started to look at the technical side more often lately. It'll help get people over to my channel to some extent as a lot of the noobs and naysayers that watch you realize that TA is not bullshit. My channel has been striving to prove that for over a year, but YouTube won't help me out with a decent amount of impressions no matter how much effort I put into my thumbnails/editing/etc. My TA on my analytics tells me that's about to change pretty soon though… ? #altszn

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