Bitcoin: 1HPp9BWBAv3zn99pSYJviD57qmEfgnsjWi
Monero Payment ID : 1d955a1982267c0f228c56e8f956c6a0a488b3314b8954d98eb71bb85734223e
Monero deposit address : 47sghzufGhJJDQEbScMCwVBimTuq6L5JiRixD8VeGbpjCTA12noXmi4ZyBZLc99e66NtnKff34fHsGRoyZk3ES1s1V4QVcB
Dash : Xx9ARLLG11BokhTeEiMzwXcDafw7sHmacg
Ethereum : 0x8ed7de842ed11ae25b4b0c8d17e198f2d4650ae8
(The minimum amount for deposit is 1 ETH. Smaller deposits will be credited once they total this amount.)

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Lifetime (DISCLAIMER THIS IS MY OPINION AND I DON’T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOU’RE LOSSES IN TRADING) Coinigy a professional platfrom to trade on all exchanges Trade stocks gold and silver with bitcoin



  1. Hi just wondering your thoughts on an article I just read (MARCH 30 2017) from Coin Telegraph regarding the bicoin unlimited 51% attack could cut price of bitcoin in half… this just more fear mongering from the media trying to drudge up stories to scare people off or is this a real threat and are our investments in danger? just wondering your thoughts

  2. Fantastic video bro. I've just recently gotten into trading crypto on exchanges, I was just holding onto my eth before, but I love it. I enjoy the strategy and skill involved and I've been learning everything I can. This video is a great learning tool. You basically go over a lot of the technical analysis I've been learning, and make it very easy to understand. Great analysis and video.

  3. Say a guy wants to drop $100-500 into some altcoins and doesn't mind losing it all for the chance of good gains like this. Which ones would you recommend right now/for april? Or was all this pumping of alts just due to the bitcoin troubles?

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