There are Four Ms to Rule #1 investing that we like to follow when we’re looking for great businesses to invest in… Meaning, Moat, Management, and Margin of Safety. In this video, I want to talk to you about how the 3rd M and how you can spot bad management.

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signs of a failing business, business bad management, how to invest, investing 101, investing, where to invest, how to start investing, stock market,



  1. it is always good to listen to your videos you can make investing look not as complicated as other make it out to be . Have been to your seminars and they are great keep up the good work

  2. Dont buy korean cheating company stocks. Then you will suceed. There are so many ceo in korea who manipulate their stock so we can't even earn money for 10 years investment in some korean company even if the company continuously glowing their profits that period.

  3. This has to be the only channel on youtube that teaches real investment fundamentals without trying to upsell you on their portfolio. Subscribed!

  4. Hi Phil,

    Thank you for all the value you provide. Management is always subjective and a bit tricky on interpreting their messaging to investors and market. A question on this, when you analyse a business and consider Management, how should you rate the fact that insider trading is mostly and significantly SELL and not buy. For me it gives feeling of cashing in and maybe not too much believe in further growth. The margin of safety is there. What are your thoughts on this?


  5. This is very good advise. Thanks for that 🙂
    Worked at a company once (long ago when i didn't know anything about investing and businesses) where the CEO started to explain that income – costs = profit ( actually loss in his case) was an old fashioned way to look at things and that we had to look at EBITDA and the company was actually doing great. I sensed he was full of crap and left. Company tanked short after that..

  6. 10 out of 10 to you sir…very very spot on and useful info…thanks a million for sharing it with us who have been shooting in the dark until now…a really wake up call ???

  7. Valuable. I like reading "related party transactions" in proxy & 10k. Reading shareholder letters prior to previous contractions is also a good barometer of management transparency and accountability.

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