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  1. Yeah, all that is right, when the whole currency / cash is crashing, hyper inflation and currency print to infinity, then gold and anything that protects value is the safe heaven for purchasing power and cryto is also the same thing, the bet is the doomsday of current batch of FIAT currency!!!! The bottom line of this video is: go for debt and fiat multiplication , millionaires who can borrow cheap interest rate debt based currency can always make new currency on top of the debt plus interest … debt currency multiplier without actually producing goods and service for the actual economy, that is the current fat cat definition of investing !! not for the 99% of average people, period. Simple as that.

  2. Some say index funds are the best to invest in because most individual companies do not perform better annually in terms of economic growth when compared to the index fund growth, what do you say Phil? Invest in index funds or stick to individual companies but with plenty of research?

  3. I had a company which was originally a pharmaceutical company then went crypto. the SEC halted trading for a few months while investigating, then when it opened, it plummeted. 🙁 I lost 90% of what I had invested. It's since come back a little, but still down $40+K

  4. The title is 6 things I think I only counted 5. Any hoo. I disagree to a point on the CD comment. When you have worked your azz off your entire adult life you need to have 6 months of savings to protect against job loss or sudden expenses that come up. Also having a little bit of precious metals is not a bad thing just in case the US dollar takes a Huge nose dive and it turns into a barter economy. I do agree that Bitcoin is BS, I have heard the hype but no real explanation of being able to convert it into Greenbacks.

  5. Well gold is (10 to 15 % always) of my portfolio till i sell it . lol It has paid off for me twice. Especially the last time when it bubbled 2011 . It will this time also . Know when to take your winnings off the table. Don't be greedy with gold. CDs are fine to use to wait for the next stock crash, like last time 2008 also . If you have money in stocks as of 8- 6- 19 at least take SOME (30%) of your money out and leave the table happy .Especially if they don't pay dividends. Leave high, buy low ! Stocks are HIGH ! Way too HIGH!!!!! He doesn't mention income property either. When this next crash happens (and it will) be ready with cash for bargains. He knows 20 times more than me, but i'm pretty comfortable , This is my humble opinion. Very humble .

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