
Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Roger Ver has introduced a pyramid scheme coin called bcash/bitcoin cash. Do NOT buy bitcoin cash/bcash because it is a con that will rob you of your money. Roger Ver is a thief.

  2. SUCH a good video, lots of good points. And down with roger ver and his alt coin trying to trick new users into thinking bitcoin cash is bitcoin. Esp with by using his wallet defaulting to BCH instead of BTC, what a scammy con artist!

  3. Get ready for bitcoin manipulation once futures trading begins. Look and what the global elite and banks have done to gold and silver. The only way they can beat BTC will be to short the shit out of it and manipulated it with the derivatives market. The title of the white paper is peer to peer cash, not store of value. Slow expensive fees keep BTC out of reach for the poor and developed nations, making it available only for the rich. Using it as a store of value and trading it as a commodity will be interesting, but never the less not what BTC was intended for in the beginning. PEER to PEER cash- how could it be more clear?

  4. litecoin definitely needs more love, such an undervalued coin, ive used it times and times again just to move funds between exchanges, usually much cheaper in withdrawal fees, not just transaction fees.

  5. Please let them out, thats a great way of bitcoin getting long term stability, if everyone waits till 500,000dollar before sellout, then its a catastrophy, let the weak hands sell out gradually, then it doesnt hurt bitcoin long term

  6. With all the Drama, to me they are both Bitchcoin….
    Many of Rogers arguments were good… claiming to want a crypto for the whole world enough and cheap enough for everyone… but is that really BCH? at over 1000USD and 21M coin max? And dont we already have this, in Litecoin, Vertcoin…which is ASIC resistant…? And is it impossible to make those as Secure as BTC?…would we need to?
    What's wrong with pre Aug 1st situation where BTC was for storing value, and LTC for the everyday spending?
    Ofc…if you have millions invested in ASIC BTC miners…
    Do we really want such massive farms to mine most of the Coins?
    What is it we really need? A way to settle our transactions in a predictable way time and cost wise….and de centralized.
    As for the the name… Well.. BTC is open source and i assume therefor GPL and Copy Left…. so one may look to the GNU/Linux space to try to find similarities. Linus Thorvalds created a forked version of the *NIX OS Minix in 1991, and since then there thousands of different distributions implementing the Linux kernel, developed and maintained by and a group of Core Linux developers , have come, exist and have gone, many using the name Linux in some form or other. Some were free of cost, others not. The free ones often rely on community support, the non free ones often include some form of support.
    They mostly managed to get it to work with out too much public arguing.
    I think the Bitcoin realm should take some lessons from them. If there were an initial "Thorvalds Linux" distro , and it still existed, I belive most would agree, no matter what short comings it had, that this was THE LINUX…. other Linux branded distros, aimed at solving specific issues where THE LINUX fell short would still play their part in providing for humanity under the Well known and respected Linux kernel. At least, Linus Thorvalds will always be known and respected as the main creator of this OS and has played an active role in voicing his opinion, for good or bad in the community…

    Today, it's mainly speculation driving the prices up, but I still feel the prices are fair considering the emergence of this fantastic technology…at least it has more to it than the banker version of the cashless society… and at around 1-1,5 % adoption of crypto in the global population, and less than 1% realization of the Blockchain potential for value creation outside trading crypto currency, hell yeah! These are the really interesting Blockchain areas we should be focusing on…heck, one of them could possibly provided the added security to f.ex LTC leaving it as quick and cheap to use as today, but perhaps even more secure than BTC.
    In IT those who have become most successful have been those who were solid enough as technology to provide 75-95% of the service need, but interoperable enough to be implemented and/or improved upon by third parties.
    Some good "old" technologies of yesteryear are even being re-used to solve the challenges being faced by the most successful technologies we have become so dependent on over the last 20 or so years of the information age.
    For example, the OSI network protocol CLNP, which "lost" to TCP/IP helped the developing of IPv6, that will prove crucial in the futures IOT due to the amount of addressing needed.
    Also the ISIS routing protocol has been optimized for use in Layer2 switching, allowing multiple redundant paths and instant "recovery" of connectivity in a switched network due to being able carry MAC address information to be used for the routing table to map all the paths to a destination, and not only 32 bit IP Adresses as in IPv4.
    When they were developed, the challenges of the future were not known, but were found to be able to solve the challenges of todays complex and always needed it networks.
    Even Crypto currency has come about from the Async. encryption of PKI. and need and development of things like VPN.
    So, Could it be this will also prove the sollution for Bitcoin/Cryptos.

    I wonder, what would Core and BCH Gang do, if 5 months down the line, someone pops up in the scene with a cryopto that trumps them both with regards to all the elements they are arguing about….perhaps delvloped by Nakamoto him self…would it then be THE BITCOIN?

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