Though the stock market has had a few jitters lately, it’s overall strength has been unprecedented, soaring past record after record in its continual upward climb. However, no matter how strong a bull market is, it must come down eventually.

In my opinion, a considerable crash could be on the horizon. There are a few reasons why I feel the stock market could be heading for tough times in the not-so-distant future. Watch the video and let me know what you think!

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economic collapse, stock market crash 2018, financial crisis, 2018 market crash, stock market 2018, stock crash 2018,



  1. This is the first time I've heard of you, and the first time I've watched your video. I've been out of the "financial research" area as a hobby since about 2011-2012.

    My situation is that I finally have cash after selling everything I had to relocate to another country (cost of living) and to pay off all medical bills. I am essentially debt-free again. I have to figure out what to do with my 100% cash position; I had considered going into a Roth IRA, but I have to be working to contribute to it, so that's out. The next thing was the investment plan of some sort. I was reading something else today when my eyes were drawn to an article about a possible 50-70% market crash. You are right, in that all the factors of the Dot-Bomb and the housing bust are there again, and even worse than before.

    Someone had indicated in September that there would be something like a 10% correction off the September high before the year is out, and it indeed did happen, with the Dow standing at 11% below the September high. I remember what happened during the housing bust, and based on my research from long-time experts in the field, I made the decision to have necessary structural surgery done in the summer of 2008 instead of waiting until the winter of that year. I asked, "Please get me on that operating table right away," because I saw the housing crash coming. I had the surgery covered under health insurance. It was a good thing because about 4 months later, when I was still eating everything from a blender, boom, it happened.

    I was able to see it coming, and I stepped clear out of the way. I even added a second bank account because the bank I had was involved in the housing craze, and I didn't want my bank account locked like a few friends of mine did. I moved everything to another bank account when it became more clear that there might be trouble. I'm now back into the same mindset again, trying to decide by the 4th of the New Year where to put the money and watching the stock market very closely by looking at numbers and watching what everyone is saying, especially the people selling the investment plans, IRAs, etc.

    My thought is, I am saving once again, 100% in cash, because I finally paid all medical bills off last month (November). I have no money in anything like a 401K, IRA of any kind, investment, etc. yet. I am thinking that to protect my money (I'm more concerned about the return OF my money than I am about the return ON my money), I would want to go to cash instruments like 1-year CDs, as interest rates are expected to rise, and even if they don't rise further this week or afterwards, they will give me a small amount of interest, better than the checking account rate I have now. I am guessing that I will want to sit out the market correction and see how far it goes. I can't start to invest until January for tax reasons, anyway. I would probably take the CD strategy until I see things stabilizing. Then, I would start putting my money into the investment plan, and when the CDs mature, move that money into the investment plan each month. Next year, I can invest the matured CD plus the expected investment budget expected for next year into the investment plan, assuming the correction has run its course by then.

  2. The best way to prepare for a market crash IS to just sit there and continue doing what you were doing. You lose money when you start trying to predict the unpredictable. The S & P 500 is the proven way to get wealthy and retire over time. And it's done without gambling.

  3. Hi Phil, big fan here and love your podcasts as I listen to it commuting to work.

    The Wilshire Index Over GDP has been above 100% since 2013. Perhaps the reason why it has continued so long could be the fact that the feds has kept their rates at 0.25% for so long? If so, does this mean that the crash may be bigger than 2008?

  4. Many decades ago when there was no computer to buy or sell stocks, a farmer in the midwest who lived about an hour from the city would shipped his produce to downtown, sold them to get cash and bought a huge chunk of his favorable stocks at the time when the entire economy was i deep recession. Put all the stocks certificates in his safe deposit and forgot about them. A few years later, the economy recovered and the stock market shot up and his stock holdings more than doubled in value, he carried his safe deposit full of stock certificates on his horseback and sold them in town. This is a true story.

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