If you want to purchase shares right away, you are going to have to pay the asking price. Similarly, if you want to sell shares right away, you have to pay the bidding price.

-What people are looking to get the order at
-If you want to purchase 100 shares of Nike, you might bid $50.90, but the ask is $50.98
-In order to get that order, you need to pay $50.98

-What people are looking to get for the stock

Bid-Ask Spread
-It is the difference between the bid and the ask
-What the market makers have to make
-i.e. $50.98-$50.90 = $0.08
-$0.08 is what the market makers get paid to execute that order
-As soon as you purchase the stock you lose $0.08 per share
-You can’t buy and sell immediately because it will be costly
-You need to take the bid-ask spread into account when trading


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  1. Easiest to understand bid/ask explanation I've seen so far. Other videos I've watched present it from the point of view of the broker. I needed to hear it from my point of view as a buyer or seller. Thanks

  2. The way through which a broker makes profit is called spread. It
    lies in between ask and bid price. Traders want to have lowest trading spread
    because it increases trader’s profit. But we hardly find a low spread providing
    broker. Trade12 charges low trading spread to their traders and even it is seen
    in commodities.

  3. Perfect! I didn't know what the difference meant. I was setting orders to the spread thinking this was good. I gave the market makers some money this week on paper, so I don't want to do it when I finally get to go live. Thank you Sasha!

  4. Hey Sasha, great video. I have a question about bid or ask size. If I have a look at yahoo finance for instance and im looking at appl. It shows Bid as 169.93 x 800 and Ask as 170.05 x 100. I understand the bid and ask but the bid/ask size is what im confused with. Does this mean that there are 100*100 = 10,000 shares available to purchase at the Ask price of 170.05?

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