Did you know that Warren Buffett reads 500 pages per day? He says that, “Knowledge builds up like compound interest.” In this video I give you 6 book recommendations that are must reads for 2019 if you’re planning on investing. http://bit.ly/2XeXxng

Speaking of Warren, I’ve included a FREE download to his book of quotes, click the link above!

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ray dalio, principles book, misbehaving book, conscious capitalism, the investment checklist, prisoners of geography,



  1. Im seventeen and i live in Turkey. So the market that i can get into is BIST. I want to invest money in long terms.Other videos you have Said that we should learn how to invest. Im reading all the books that you have recomended but i think i dont have enough money to start. Could you make more videos about how should young people invest ? I would be very happy. Sorry for the english by the way.

  2. “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” Burton G. Malkiel is a brilliant book for new investors, this book has helped me manage my finances and understand the season to make best investments.

  3. I'm about to use the information in the book, Investing Between the Lines, How to Make Smarter Decisions By Decoding CEO Communications by L.J. Rittenhouse, as I research companies for my wish list. I think this book will give me a more critical eye of the companies and management and help me to determine the truly wonderful companies on my list.

  4. I've read some of your book PAYBACK TIME ,sounds like a strategy called scale trading which can be applied to commodity markets(that can't go to zero)but is very dangerous to use in the stock market because companies can go broke.

  5. Hey Phil, Great motivation! Thank you! See you on Wednesday for at my first OTR class.

    Here is a book I just started reading: 1) "Economic Facts and Fallacies" by Thomas Sowell. Recommended by my son Travis who just earned his Masters in Economics.

  6. Hi Phil, thanks for the video. I read lots too. If I were to count I might get close to W. Buffets number. After all just one Annual Report on Form 20-F is almost 300 pages these days :). With regards to Ray Dalio’s book “Principles”, which I have read, it kind of disappointed, in my opinion. I had hoped he would part with some of his wisdom on investing, but the book is mostly about the culture of Bridgewater and how to run a large organization. I have just published my first book on investing on Amazon. It is called “The price of everything, and the value of nothing”. One day, I might get on your list…

  7. Your complete guide to a successful and secure retirement. Larry Swedroe & Kevin Grogan. Much more that finance, how to plan for a successful retirement. I have taken AI's from each chapter.

  8. My current reading has been: The Education of a Value Investor; The Manuel of Ideas; Never Wrestle with a Pig; The 10 Minute Millionaire; Relentless by Tim Grover.
    All Phil Town books!

  9. 6 Books in this video are:
    1. 1:19
    Buffett, The making of an American Capitalist
    By Roger Lowenstein

    2. 2:17
    Misbehaving, The Making of Behavioral Economics
    By Richard H. Tablet

    3. 2:57
    By Ray Dalio

    4. 4:11
    Conscious Capitalism, Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business
    By John Mackey

    5. 5:10
    The Investment Checklist, The Art of In-depth Research
    By Michael She arm

    6. 6:27
    Prisoners of Geography, Ten Maps that explain everything about the World
    By Tim Marshall

  10. "The Rebel Allocator" which Charlie Munger himself raved about being an amazing book about investing that he would like to see turned into a movie, is absolutely wonderful, so much so that it's the only book (out of the many that I've read) that I've ever posted about online because doing so just usuallly isn't really my thing, however this particular book called for me to do so!

  11. Thanks for the recommendation, there were several I had not read. One suggestion: The Dhandho Investor: The Low-Risk Value Method to High Returns – by Mohnish Pabrai // 978-0470043899

    Also: The Witch of Wall Street Etty Green by Boyden Sparkes and Samuel Taylor Moore and one by Steven Mallas. She was a pre-Graham value investor. She participated in the creation of the FED, and bailed out wall street more than once. She lived by principles similar to those described in the "Millionnaire next door" over a century before that book was written. Her state tax dodging methods are part of the reason there is Federal income tax in the U.S today.

    One comment on Rule #1 investing: The Jan 2019 issue of AAII Journal tested several stock screening methods against one another. Rule #1 Investing did from 2015 to 2018: 50.3, (46.0), 6.2, 5.0, (4.0) 10 yr avg: 16.9%. A few methods did even better: Driehaus, Price-to-Free Cashflow, T Rowe Price and Stock Market winners. I'm not familiar with the T Rowe Price and Driehaus methods as of yet, do you have any comment on them ?

    Would you attribute the big swings in the first two years to concentrated positions perhaps in a single industry ?

  12. I love it when you have a book list it starts the ball rolling with other people to give other book names. (I'll start with your list first) Its hard to find a good reads when there are so many out there that aren't very good. Like many other replies below I would also like to recommend your books for anyone that hasn't read them. great job. 🙂

  13. Love what you're doing. Phil is under rated . Planning to read Buffett's the making of a capitalist.
    I'd love for you to make a video on how to find the intrinsic value of a company

  14. Thanks Phil, already have a few of these and will be buying the others I don’t have. I highly recommend The Rebel Allocator as well….I think you and Danielle liked it too. Keep these great videos coming!

  15. I am currently reading one called Rule 1 Investing, by some guy called Phil Town. It's a very interesting read and the more I read the more enthusiastic I am getting about investing in the stock market. I hope one day he ventures Downunder and does some live talks. He will be very well received.

  16. Great content once again. Many people think that they can just buy a course or crave their way into a successful stock portfolio. However, if you do not take the time to read proven methods and strategies and come up with your own constructive conclusions, you will not go far. I also posted a video mentioning my top 5 books to read if you are interested.

  17. Thanks for the recommendations Phil. Your book "Rule#1" was my gateway book to investing. After reading it, I have now read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "The Intelligent Investor". Next will be "Beating the Street". Glad to have some more books to add to my list.

  18. 1. Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist by Roger Lowenstein
    2. Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics by Richard H Thaler
    3. Principles by Ray Dalio
    4. Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business by John Mackey
    5. The Investment Checklist: The Art of In-Depth Research by Michael Shearn
    6. Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World by Tim Marshall

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