#Bitcoin is a demographic mega-trend? Crazy 2015 $BTC chart coincidences, $USDT only 74% $USD backed, the truth about #altcoin diversification, Brave hits 1M monthly downloads, Amazon Manages Blockchain, crypto news, and more!

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? Crypto SWAG ►► http://oracleboy.kdub.co

? Pre-Register for NASH Exchange ►► http://nash.kdub.co

? The Blockchain Brief Newsletter ►► http://BlockchainBrief.kdub.co

?‍♂️ “Crypto Zombies” Telegram ►► https://t.me/joinchat/E67b8w-hQrMsZebuCC6peg

Intro Credit: https://twitter.com/JimBTC

1:02 Markets 〽️
3:06 ? What are you currently focused on? https://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie/status/1123568501745123329
5:46 Bitcoin 2015 vs 2019: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BLX/ReQvYZdP-BTCUSD-STAGGERING-PRE-HALVENING-SIMILARITIES-2015-VS-2019/
7:01 Bitcoin volume up: https://diar.co/volume-3-issue-12/
9:17 Bitcoin is a Demographic Mega-Trend: https://medium.com/@Bitcom21/bitcoin-is-a-demographic-mega-trend-data-analysis-160d2f7731e5
12:32 Whether (USDT) comes clean: https://u.today/tether-mystery-solved-only-74-is-backed-by-real-usd
12:50 Affidavit: https://www.scribd.com/document/408190972/Stuart-Hoegner-Affidavit-4-30#fullscreen&from_embed
15:01 Tron (TRX) halts USDT rewards program: https://medium.com/tron-foundation/trc20-based-usdt-rewards-postponement-e76ac2fb3ab4
15:23 BOLT migrates to BNB: https://twitter.com/Bolt_Global/status/1123388891417927680
16:13 ICOs vs returns: https://redd.it/bj3471
16:42 Should you diversify? https://cryptobriefing.com/diversify-crypto-portfolio/
19:40 Amazon managed blockchain: https://www.investinblockchain.com/amazon-managed-blockchain-powered-by-ethereum-att-and-nestle-already-on-board/
21:49 Brave (BAT) hits 1M downloads monthly! https://www.investinblockchain.com/brave-reaches-1m-downloads-monthly-surpassing-firefox-coinbase-and-binance/
22:30 ?Get The Brave Browser Here ►► https://brave.com/cry542
22:49 Deloitte ditches Ethereum (ETH) for Vechain (VET): https://www.investinblockchain.com/deloitte-migrates-its-clients-from-ethereum-to-vechain-records-more-transactions-over-the-weekend-than-bitcoin/
24:05 Digitex (DGTX) Adam Todd AMA: https://youtu.be/fclYvTKpX6k
27:00 ? T-Shirt Giveaway Winner ?

? @TheCryptoZombie ►► http://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie

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Buy Cryptos on Binance ►► http://Binance.kdub.co
Buy Cryptos on Huobi ►► http://Huobi.kdub.co
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Buy Cryptos on KuCoin ►► http://KuCoin.kdub.co

Follow me on Twitter ►► http://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie

Join The Telegram ►► https://t.me/joinchat/E67b8w-hQrMsZebuCC6peg

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

Bitcoin Holds Strong! Time for Another ALTCOIN BOOM? Bitfinex Token IEO?! NEO 3.0 | V-ID Verification

Watch this video again because it’s awesome:

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  1. ???? Unstoppable Domains ? https://unstoppabledomains.com/r/924e4356c3b4434
    ? Consensus Discount ? http://consensus.kdub.co
    ?Get The Brave Browser ►► https://brave.com/cry542

    ? Pre-Order Ledger Nano X ►► http://Ledger.kdub.co
    ? Lighting Network Tips Accepted! ►► https://tippin.me/@TheCryptoZombie
    ? Blockchain Brief Newsletter ►► http://BlockchainBrief.kdub.co
    ? Crypto Oracle SWAG ►► http://oracleboy.kdub.co
    ? Join NASH Exchange ►► http://nash.kdub.co
    ?‍♂️ “Crypto Zombies” Telegram ►► https://t.me/joinchat/E67b8w-hQrMsZebuCC6peg

  2. Unstoppable Domains is going to be a game changer in internet space. As for the Brave browser, I used it for a month and setting to recieve BAT are correct but I've never recieved any tokens. I can't tip you if I have no tokens from viewing.

  3. Bitcoin is gold being way too scarce and valuable to spend on coffee, pizza and depeciating cars. Investment and speculation is bitcoin's strength. Bitcoin can lose billions and bounce back fine, that would destroy the silver market and if stocks lost 90% then many companies would be utterly wiped out. Bitcoin is fine, has proven resilience and another market place for the wealthy to park their money. Bitcoin does not have to become a currency to succeed and grow.

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