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  1. I love you Steve, But I am not convinced about the Death Cross, The History of this Happening in BTC has been very mixed The last time the 50 Day MA "descended" through 200 Day MA The price down only 6% before it crossed again "Golden Cross?" and the price rallied back up 63%.
    I think you need to consider other factors before letting one patchy indicator sway your judgement.

  2. Hey Steve I would like to connect with you and put you in touch with a Co Owner of a company that hasn't launched at this stage however after watching your fantastic channel believe you and him could have a marriage made in heaven he is in the US CST so email me if you would like to connect to do your own due diligence my email is and I am on FB so if you wish to add me on messanger I would love the opportunity to chat with you more. Hey really love your analysis of the market

  3. STEVe thanks for your videos you has been very clean and straight out at the point ! is your classes recordable , or do you have three videos that you sen d for us to watch ? or are you doing this live video?

  4. If anyone ever needed to change things I do I almost died because a hospital messed up and gave me a supper bug and had no idea how to fix it I spent two month in forced sudatison and after a transfer to a better hospital that saved my life. I'm now disabled and for two years now have spent every bit of time I can trying to learn how to work the market and investing all I can and more on it your a great help and ty I wish I could afford your courses but I'm living on around 1 k a month help pls

  5. Everyone who wants to learn fundamental, sentimental and technical analysis just go to investopedia and babypips you will learn everything for free… don’t need to pay a guy who obviously doesn’t even mastered the basics and trying to sell you courses for 320$…. dude have you learn to scam people with Ryan hildreth?

  6. Seriously? Another dumb ass who don’t know shit about technical analysis and you are trying to sell courses for 320$ when people can get that information for free? Scammer alert ? stay away
    1: stochastic DOES NOT indicate where the market is going to move, that is telling the future, stochastic like the rsi is an overbought and oversold indicator

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