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  1. So happy to see you back Steve! Thank you thank you thank you for your classes and priceless info that you share with us! Congrats on your son coming into the world, so happy to hear that you and your family are doing well! Yes I want to chart EVERYTHING since taking your classes! I see the entire world in charts now, and I love it! Congrats again, and peace and love to the crypto crew!!!

  2. Steve great stuff and congrats on the new family addition. I have 3 girls and was at all their births. Actually Sarah our 1st was a home birth. Steve, you mentioned that your students get these videos first but I only get them when you send them out to public. So, would you put me on the class list? Thank you, Kirk

  3. Heeey Steve!, soo good to see your new video. Your white jacket makes me remember the host of Fantasy Island (of Ecuador). So many thanks for this new warning about the 20 week MA that will have resistance and bounce down any of this next days/weeks. I can imagine when the time arrives BTC will go down 15-25% in just a few minutes/hours. We will keep an eye on that. Also, the BLX chart is soooo awesome, did you input those values and colors?. It looks like a brave bullish Chinese Dragon and gives us a great idea where we are and where we are going in the future. Your point of view from that distance of days and weeks gives me confidence. It blows my mind how it will be when I become your student (saving for that). Best regards and congrats!… p.d. Let me guess your son name… Austin?

  4. Big congratulation to you and your wife/girlfriend on the new child! A really great moment! (I have 3 myself). Any chance you could share that smas script with us?
    Thanks for sharing these great videos! Thumbs up!
    Now go have a wonderful time with your family, and your new family member 🙂

  5. It's called BA (Baby Analysis)! I charted what i ate for years until i found out i had Celiacs. Doctors gave me all sorts of things that didn't work for years… charting is everything! I'm also going to name my kids cities! LONDON and BERLIN! My brain works the same. Hesitant on taking your classes but you seem so genuine and honest. Thank you for that at least! Cheers brother!

  6. There's but one difference to 2014-15 market .. volume. Volume is much higher now so the moves are equally slower as a result. So I think we have now done the bottom of October the 5th of 2014 in mid December -18 and we've reached the second top of November the 13th of 2014 in 24th February -19. So my prediction says that from 24th of February it takes now a little bit over 3 months (late May to early June) to reach the final bottom which is fast with high volume. The bottom BTC price will be around 1820-1650$ according to my calculations. After the final bottom BTC price is bouncing between 2000 and 4000$ until the first months of 2020 then it'll start to slowly rise towards the next ATH in mid 2023 (if BTC survives). Let's see how wrong I'm with this 🙂

  7. DAMMIT STEVE!!! I FREAKIN LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!!! Hey man, thank you, that's why I always looking forward for your videos because there is soooo much to learn. Ever since I took your classes I got confidence and less stress on looking at charts and trading, I already made small gains. I keep on re-watching your classes to really sink the knowledge in. Congratulations on your baby boy, He is so blessed to have a father like you.

  8. My are 19 and 17 but i never considered to chart the fart, let us know how it goes, but my gut tells me after he eats the gasses will need to be vented.

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