Your keys, your bitcoin. Not your keys? Not your bitcoin. The dangers of custodial accounts. Key management. Best practices for storing your 12-24 backup words. There’s no “Bitcoin help desk.” Security of Windows machines.

Smartphone wallets for iOS and Android:
– Mycelium
– Copay
– Airbitz

Hardware wallets:
– Trezor
– Ledger
– KeepKey

This is part of a talk which took place on July 7th 2017 at a Bloktex event hosted by the Wisma BeeOn Group in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:

Hot vs. cold wallets –
What happens to our bitcoins during a hard fork? –
How to get people to care about security –
Bitcoin, Payment Security, and Consumer Protection –
Irreversibility and consumer protection –
The revolution in trust –
What is the role of nodes? –
How is fungibility tied to privacy? –

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.

If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in a monthly LIVE Q&A with Andreas, become a patron:

Subscribe to the channel to learn more about Bitcoin & open blockchains; click on the red bell to enable notifications about new videos!


Translations of MASTERING BITCOIN:



Translations of THE INTERNET OF MONEY:
Spanish, ‘Internet del Dinero’ (v1) –
French, ‘L’internet de l’argent’ (v1) –
Russian, ‘Интернет денег’ (v1) –
Vietnamese, ‘Internet Của Tiền Tệ’ (v1) –


Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (
Outro Graphics: Phneep (
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (



  1. If you need to recover your stolen Bitcoin and other altcoins, recover your email/wallet passwords, social network anti-hack (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, snapchat), BlackRock is the go-to cybersecurity group. Visit blackrockconsultpro,com and use the contact form or hire any available expert.. Thank me later 🙂

  2. I bought $4 worth of bitcoin back in 2010 but my parents threw out everything I owned when I came out of the closet… every time I hear some smug millionaire say something like 2:25 I seriously want to kill myself

  3. What happen if the third-party exchange where I stake my crypto, will dissapear ? ( But I have my keys)
    How do I recover my funds on a new exchange or a new wallet using my keys?
    These keys are only usable on this third-party exchange only ?

  4. Hello @aantonop +aantonop , you mentioned this about a desktop wallet "…“They have software actively looking for bitcoin software; when they find it, they take it. Or they put a keylogger, wait for you to do a transaction, enter your password and then they take it…”. But if a hacker gets your password but not your desktop wallet app, how would they get into your account? Don't they also have to steal your desktop as well?

  5. "paper pencil" in a safe that someone could get to easily. not reliable or secure enough for my 0.00000001 BTC so i carved my 24 backup words into diamond that is stored off planet.

  6. McAfee says our smartphones already have keylogers and screen capture programs from Russia and such how do I know my device is safe? As I see it if it's internet enabled it's not safe am I wrong?

  7. And, regrettable late to the crypto revolution, have now just placed an order for a hardware wallet! Really like this guy, and we're currently living in exciting times.

  8. Sorry but this advice to just keep your wallet seed in plaintext stored inside a safe is retarded. Anyone who has been burglarized knows exactly what I'm talking about – it can happen at any time, you never expect it, and they always go for safes. Also some of us live in apartments and we can't have gigantic multi-ton weight gun safes cemented into the ground to prevent theft.

    I wish to know that how come 12 words can backup 13 crypto currencies private, public, and password.
    There must be a server or a 3rd party. or I miss understood?

  10. Just a small nitpick on archiving paper:

    Laminating is bad for long term preservation of information. The heat damages the paper and the plastic can degrade and damage the paper. IIRC Mylar is the go to material for preserving a record, ideally in a temperature controlled place that won't change much over time. I think caves tend to stay around the same temperature year round and independent of outdoor climate, but then you have to worry about moisture, so who knows? Here's a quote from an archive blog I just found, I encourage those interested in making a long term storage of a wallet seed or private key read into this stuff!

    Lamination is almost impossible to reverse without causing great risk to the document itself.

    The lamination process actually melts into the paper fibers of the document which makes delaminating difficult to almost impossible to accomplish.

    Removing the lamination requires the use of solvents and chemicals that could potentially damage the inks, the paper or the skin of the person performing the remediation process.

    The plastics used in lamination, usually cellulose acetate, are themselves inherently unstable and over time will deteriorate and cause more damage to the documents.

    Delaminating documents can be extremely costly to have done and could potentially damage the documents further. Anyone considering delaminating their documents should consult with a professional conservator.

  11. I hate to play devils advocate (and be gentle, were all learning here), but isnt this one of the inherent and severe weaknesses of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as a whole?

    There are any number of reasons that one could lose a password.

    You cant expect the average person to adopt bitcoin and expect them to take on the responsibility of securing their personal wealth by themselves on a cold paper wallet and storing that wallet somewhere.

    People are inherently lazy and stupid, even when it comes to their own accumulated wealth.

    I think this will be one of the many obstacles for cryptocurrencies to overcome on their way to becoming a stable (usable) currency. There needs to be a way to easily, effortlessly and simply allow users to secure and store their cryptocurrencies in a way that does not negate the security of a decentralized network.

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