Can spam transactions be used to artificially drive up fees in Bitcoin? What is Child Pays for Parent (CPFP)?

This is a question from the patron-only live Q&A which took place on February 24th 2018. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to participate in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a patron:

Decentralized Truth –
Delivering Liberty, At Scale –
What is mining? –
Why running a node is important –
Geopolitics and state-sponsored attacks –
Fee markets, SegWit, and scaling –
Governance and the transaction fee market –
Microfinance and streaming money –
SegWit adoption –

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in bitcoin.

Follow on Twitter: @aantonop

He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.





Subscribe to the channel to learn more about Bitcoin & open blockchains!

Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (
Outro Graphics: Phneep (
Outro Art: Rock Barcellos (



  1. Hello Andreas, how do you think of EOS or Dpos consensus? Do you think they will be able to deliver the high performance blockchain os as they promised? Thank you for your time.

  2. Sir I buy your mastering bitcoin book cAn you tell me which help more to develop my bitcoin wallet web and Android application and help me sir making bitcoin wallet and some related thing please reply it is helpful for me.
    Thanks you for mastering bitcoin book,sir.

  3. Final objective of spam transactions is not economic but political, is an attack to the bitcoin blocksize policy by groups with different interests. A very sad waste of effort and money.

  4. Is it possible for a crooked miner to insert spam transactions into the mem pool after solving the nonce and withholding the solution for a short amount of time? If so they would run a very small risk of losing the block to another miner but gain the ability to spam only the blocks they are likely to mine themselves.
    It wouldn't pay to do that only once but if you're mining say 10% of blocks you could conceivably affect fees and run little risk of paying your spam fees to others. On the flip side it would raise some flags if every time a particular party mines a block it just happens to be filled with a bunch of spam other blocks don't have.

  5. hey Andreas, this Q&A format is perfect. I think these vids are hands down the best infromational vids around for deep understanding of bitcoin. Thanks for your time.
    btw, you deserve to have many more views but I think most crypto viewers on youtube are simply not at the level to understand many of these nuanced topics.

    if you started your vid with some kind of banal chart analysis and price predictions, you would 100x your views, but your reputation would be destroyed.
    Thanks for sticking to your convictions.

  6. i recon one day every smart phone pc laptop anything with artificial intelligence that is aware and online will act as smart hubs for cryptos increasing the speed of the crypto network who nodes ?

  7. One flaw: He's assuming the miners are posting with HIGH fees.
    If miners post with fees so low they'd never get mined by anyone else, but then added to the bad actors by manually including their own transactions… it suddenly becomes free attack that can be sustained indefinitely…
    This guy is the #1 guy to listen to on the planet!
    And I've seen lots and lots of proof of spam attacks.
    Funds that get instantly transferred out of a wallet as soon as it goes in… over and over and over, until the entire starting balance went to fees.

  8. Can a miner be held liable for handling (collecting fees) or aiding (mining the transaction) any stolen Bitcoin. Say for example I steal 200k Btc, in order for me to do that I would have to send that BTC to an address that only I control. Lets say I set the transaction to 6000 sat/byte and end up paying something like 0.1 btc in fees. Will anyone care about that 0.1 btc the the miner has, is it still considered stolen property? Can it still be tracked on the blockchain? Is the miner responsible for aiding the theft or being in possession of stolen Btc? Can anyone even prevent a miner from mining a transaction since the thief could just mine the transaction themselves.

    Because right now it seems like a person could steal a large amount of btc, get in touch with large miners since mining is slightly centralised and keep splitting the btc to different addresses whilst also setting the sat/byte high. Eventually the btc will dissapear into the hands of the miners.

    It's not like there's a rule saying stolen btc can't be sent within the blockchain.

  9. What a great tool that so few utilize. There's really no extensive list of wallets yet if anyone is looking. But, if you run a full node then it's not something you'll have to worry about.

  10. Hello, why do you always Q&A with a drab background looking like you're in a CIA bunker? Do it outside in the sun!

    Thanks for the knowledge nonetheless sir.

    What are your thoughts on altcoin illegal wash trading and pumps ruining the credibility of the crypto market, and Bitcoin indirectly?

  11. i do think the only way to avoid a slavery is to create a global market place for goods or services which run on the blockchain and have no connection to the fiat system.. However i'd like to hear what Andreas aantonop has to tell about it and how to achieve it

  12. Let's not also for getting the coming Schnorr Signatures…. Maybe we should also consider creating a charitable coin agnostic DAO to accelerate payments for those in poverty… Thus allowing for them to do very low fees. Any thoughts? Another thought vis creating a lightning bridge that batches to on chain… And miner agreements…. Also I think we should support miners that give SegWit priority

  13. Bitcoin and blockchain a nice democratic idea but the regulations lead all the users to a financial "slavery" because of its transparency in opposite to the fiat cash

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