? Bitcoin Sucks. But not without some redeeming qualities.
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◆ Cryptocurrency Post: https://bit.ly/2NY4rIV
◆ Someone “Fixes” CoinBase: https://bit.ly/2Ayi7ZE
◆ Mining Consumption: https://bit.ly/2DmNJ4B
◆ PoS Not as Secure as PoW: https://bit.ly/2M95sxC
? Music!
Intro Idea:
50 Cent – Straight To The Bank

? Clips!
Slip n slide

? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.



  1. bitcoin sucks, you people are getting brainwashed, bitcoin does not hold a real value, you guys are making bitcoin gain its value, you need real money to buy bitcoin, if you do not have shit then you can not buy bitcoin, is bitcoin going to give you a job? of course not, do yourself a favor and save your money and invest it into the real world!

  2. The currency that litterally provided the ability to undo the wealth divide, will end up being a vehicle to increase it further only because people have been bred and nurtured to be dumber and dumber by every passing year.

  3. Excellent show. Funny start, like always. That is how I got started in crypto, mining BTC in "back" in 13 and its all about power. Its true that BTC network uses massive amounts of power and if you divide the power it uses per day by the total transactions, the power per transaction is very high. It will equal the power a home uses for one month. You cant see it that way, but its one way to. But BTC is not just the transactions, is the store of value and that impenetrable firewall of a blockchain that proves the technology concept for the rest as impenetrable. That was always the #1 item, is it secure, and the answer is yes. BTC is an exception and cant be seen as the coin of choice for use when friction-less money is needed to power platforms but is the reference point and "gold" of our world, the lifeblood of crypto so it seems natural for it to be 50% of market cap. Yes mining is down to 12 nanoMeter (1 nanometer is on millionth of a meter) chips and Japan is working on 7 nM chips, but many experts say that is not possible today. Moor's law used to be every 18 months computer speed doubled. In the 90s and 2000's people said there was no way for that to continue like that for much more, well Moor's law in crypto doubles speed every 6 months. But can that continue? next step is 7 nM and some say that is physically impossible. Proof of stake coins use alot less power because is not a tug of war between 100 million computers, they all work as a team to move transactions with tiny amount of power and I would argue are more secure do to the fact you cant over power the network, and can only do it if you buy 51% of all coins. "Be our guest to try" by that time the coin would sky rocket, so would not make sense. This why POS coins can move coin at fractions of the cost, like No limit coin, NLC2. I am happy to report poker platform doing great, millions in coin being sent into play and its growing daily, like you. eSports will have its own platform https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hpv0nyjclguy1y/Screen.jpg?dl=0 . https://www.nolimitesports.com/ NFL will soon be here and we will be introducing a method to keep the value pegged to USDT when you play our platforms. More to come, on this. BTW its the first time we ever disclose this publicly, here. So enjoy the scoop. Lots more to come.

  4. imo what crypto needs is mass adoption.. and from what i've seen there are projects working on this, like orca alliance and such. they've already done crypto to fiat in 6 seconds and are creating an all in one open banking platform, i just hope they don't fuck up

  5. Hey I'm in New Zealand…and I didn't use that much power. My ferret wheel runs most of my house power and also securitizes the backyard. It seems weird to me that I am able to argue BTC is centralized by simply pointing to any number of actual market manipulation examples.

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