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My Website – Learn To Trade Crypto Like A PRO! bitcoin bull trap electroneum bitcoin 2019
Lets talk about something far more important. The meltdown issue with cpus and israel
Don't you realize this guy is a charlatan. Remember the old saying those can't do it, they teach. Never trust a so called ''pro'' when he doesn't reveal his past calls on tradingview or his bitmex-ID + ROE.
ETN=Sleeping Giant. Another great video? maybe you could cover Electoneum one day
Great videos! I love how often you get things right when others don't… So, I'm curious if your opinions have changed about what you said in this video since your latest video posted today? Thanks!
Let me know your Opinions on EchoLink(EKO).
Nigero where is that pink blazer
i dont trust anyone tries to sell expensive courses and makes more money from them than from serious trading. unsubcribe long ago…. and i think u should too.
Can you tell me about tron coin ?
Great video ?
In depth analysis simple conclusions
Well done
Thanks. Can you please cover DGB, RDD, LTC and Theta ?
thanx again steve. simple and easy to understand as always! even if i cant afford ur class right now, i still learn from ur videos here on youtube. thanks a lot. what about tron, trx ?
Feel like Steve’s forehead gets bigger every video
As time goes by your starting to make less and less sense!So your saying that BTC has had only one bear market therefore we will REPEAT it!This shows me your rationalizing something other than data.A seasoned trader would say we dont have enough data to really make a determination one way or another and yet your using retail investor terminology like "definitly".I could be wrong(humility),but something tells me your gonna have egg on your face in the not so distant future.Markets never have to do or not do anything!
big picture for Ethereum
is that you glenn
I predict a riot lmao
Steve, I feel kind of bad that I gave you so much shit about your appearance and the way you present yourself. I haven't even had the guts to read any reaction (by you or others) to that critical comment. But, I do kind of think it needed to be said. This video is much better. You lost the hat and the way you're talking seems more professional. This is just my opinion, of course, but I really think you're on the right track now. Believe me, I do think your knowledge level and ability to teach are both stellar! Keep it up, buddy, and please forgive me for being so hard on you.
Complete bollox. Waste of 20 mins
It has to go up 10%—20% before another dip
I would love to hear what you think about nano, iost, nucleus vision, reddcoin
Ethos please many people want an alternate opinion
love the channel! you should make a crypto crew hat and put them for sale here. and could you cover zilliqa? (zil) it has the capabilities to process thousands of transactions per second compared to ethereum which is about 15 per second
Why the fuck all of you youtubers try to make a paid channel.
Steve you were the first bitcoin bull who was honest and said 3k was possible. Now everyone is saying it. I been in the crypto crew since the 2nd video. I never miss one. You've helped me keep perspective through the bear market. Appreciate you my friend!
Great video, you are shining like always.
Thanks Steve for sharing your ideas continuously
I'm learning from you.
The previous bear market in 2014 was because 80 % of the market had vanished when their BTC was stolen. You obviously cant compare the extent and duration of that to this years correction. I think that is a little simple minded to do so and might be a little too bearish
Yes, short term we will go down. Yes, midterm we will go up. Yes, this is not the bottom. Looking back to 2014, a rally came after 3 dips at the temporary bottom trendline then the price headed down down down. Yes, the next bull run will come, but not right in front of the door. Yes, crypto will not die. Yes Steve, I`m totally with you.
Is this made after the CBOE news w.r.t to E.T.F's ??
Steve please explain more how we get coinigy free. Free what? Free to follow your charts or free as in fee free from coinigy. That's a twenty dollar value per month. Give details on how to set it up to our favorite crypto exchange.
It such a pity your classes are so expensive.
Please take a look at ETHLend! A true gem
Video starts at 2:19 just skip to that ?
The only ones who are trading are HFT bots. Very little retail trading (day traders, swing traders) going on. People are growing tired and weary of the manipulation. You're basically gambling at this point. Seasoned traders have determined the current channel the market's in is a no trade zone.
The only times we see an increase in volume is during those green or red Jedi candles. Otherwise, volume is disgustingly low.
6800 has been rejected numerous times the past few weeks. The bulls have faced a lot of resistance at this level.
The market needs to crash in order for it to go up again. :/
Hi Steve, first of all thank you for all you are doing for us. I am learning a lot from your video's. I have a question. I notice that each altcoin /BTC pair has its own price cycle and evolution. Could you maybe comment on what exactly is the influence of the BTC/USD chart to the price cycle/action of an altcoin in relation to the actual position of the coin. What I mean is, for example, we saw that LTC broke market structure. Is that caused by LTC alone, or was it caused by BTC dropping. In other words, was this "breaking market structure" of LTC real, or was it influenced by BTC, and thus not as significant as it would be otherwise for a normal stock? Care to comment? Thank you in advance.
Thanks for long term analysis. ?