#newkidsontheblockchain #blockchainnews #tokenfest

Blockchain new, join the New Kids On The Blockchain for our weekly show every weekend covering the latest events ,EOS, ICO’s, crypto, altcoins , trends , news and and interviews with opinion formers in the blockchain space like Clif High.

All the latest news on bitcoin, Ethereum, altcoins, mining, blockchain and decentralised projects.

Let us know what projects, events, interviewees etc you would like to see.

Tickets available for Token Fest here: https://tinyurl.com/yc5kekcx

Music by http://www.bensound.com

Please note we are not offering any financial advice just reporting facts as we find them.



  1. Great video!

    IDEAS are currently hosting the Global Blockchain Hackathon in New York, Jul 14th-15th. We are now calling for Blockchain developers, startups and other blockchain enthusiasts to join! The final round will be held in Chicago, Aug 25-26th, where the top team will win 1 BTC. And all the excellent teams will be considered to receive funding of up to $2 Million worth of tokens.

    Check out more details at https://blockchainhackathon.io/ and hackathonny.eventbrite.com.

  2. PS : Know your audience. That's us. What do we want ? To make as much $ as fast as possible. That's it. Won't happen watching event promoters … won't happen with Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc… WILL happen with the RIGHT penny and subpenny cryptos. No offence but not concerned with this guy pumping his show 🙂

  3. Listen very carefully to the words coming out of my mouth … you each look handsome and photogenic and you're getting in the right industry BUT …. BUT … ( and I'm an internet marketer, ) YOU NEED THE RIGHT NICHE OR YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER CRYPTO CHANNEL. Now … the smarter we get the more we realize we're looking for sub penny sleeper coins. Will Bitcoin go up 1000 X ? How about 100 X ? No. What about Xinfin.org ( XDC ) and Photon, and Swisscoin and Reddcoin and DigiByte and Theta and maybe NPX ? YES ! See ? Even Litecoin and Ripple will only go up 20 X ( which is great ) but not 100 to 1000. You're welcome. Ok ? Become THEE, repeat THEE source for the hottest penny and subpenny coins, including ico's, and you'll be a hit.

  4. thanks for all your hard works !!have a great journey in this space!!Love to hear from the THETA project in details if you are able to reach to them!

    ““With kindness divinity calls us out to be ourselves, and as deeply compassionate and spacious MIRRORS of kindness our hearts of `PÄŚŚÏÖŅ `ËĻËĊȚŖÏĊ` inspire us to be open and awake with the BRIGHTNESS of light in the magnificence of this cosmic moment – and to wisely contemplate vibrating the innovations of our future history with the POWER of love.`
    ““Born to be Heroes of the HEART SPACE our Mastercraft is co-creation with a super natural RESPECT for the energy of LOVE, the order of truth, the balance of WISDOM, and the TRUTH that all abundance is given in fullness to all life living in divine alignment with the HIGHEST good for all concerned.`
    ““With `ĠŖÄȚÏȚŮĐË` each breath is a new beginning as we become who we really are to self-express our best `ŮŅĊȞÄÏŅËĐ` and without prejudice…`
    ““`Wisdom`Of`The`Hug: When love Loves LOVE UP FRONT a resonance is created and form begins to take shape… Being believed in even just once changes EVERYTHING from the bottom of our truly topless hearts to a world where our dreams can FLY AWAKE in the LIGHT™.`
    ““Pilots of LIGHT, peacemakers, and friends as travelers of the great wild divine we strive to live ever more abundantly from a place of love, compassionate and VIBRANTLY growing love.`
    ““Some baseline goals include living the VISION of our hearts while sharing the brightness of peace with others and always remaining open to the deeper connection of knowing that HOME is where the heart is GROWING.`
    ““Of infinite `BËÄŮȚŸ` in all the realms of the realm is the hearts joyful opening awake from sleepfulness to experience the musical opulence and rainbow light of a paradise home ABLAZE with new found love, desire and capacity for helping others as ourselves thrive – and thrive GRACEFULLY in a world gone wild with LOVING nonviolence and prospering the harmony of all that is.`
    ““Ours is A UNIVERSE fantastically ALIVE and interactive, a love lit magical sandbox of sorts where wings of the divine surround our future history both inside and out in the SACRED and EXPANDING vibrations of love, peace, and JOY.`
    ““When we smile deeply from our hearts the world smiles with us, however, EGO KITTENS please be mindful and aware that thinking without heart CAN CAUSE FALLING energy and BLUR our energetic health and intuition.`
    ““To wear our hearts like a `ĊŖÖŴŅ` and see all life growing as many and one love serves as WINGS to our deeper wisdom and creative genius to answer the future as a force of nature from the HEART.`
    ““When we come from our `ȞËÄŖȚŚ` we are the LIGHT the stars see…`
    `ᗷY.ᒍOᑎᗩTᕼᗩᑎ.C.ᑭ.ᗰᑕᑕᒪᑌᖇE“ᗩ.i.ᗩ“ᕼEᖇOEᔕ Oᖴ TᕼE ᕼEᗩᖇT ᔕᑭᗩᑕE™`Ĺ`Į`ϻ`Į`Ť` Ĺ`Ẹ`Ŝ`Ŝ` Ў`Ỗ`Ǘ™ .ᕼEᗩᖇT sᑭᗩᑕE ᕼEᖇO™.ᑭIᒪOTᔕ Oᖴ ᒪIGᕼT™ᕼeᗩᖇtsᑭᗩᑕe ᕼeᖇo[̲̅e̲̅s™.öüŕ ďŕệäṃṩ ċäń ḟŀÿ äẅäḳệ ïń ẗḧệ ŀïġḧẗ™.`W`i`ᔕ`ᗪ`o`m`o`f`T`h`e`HúG`™][̲̲̅.Lőᐯĕ `úр Fŕőńť™`.`ᑕOᑭYᖇIGᕼT 2018“ᗩᒪᒪ ᖇIGᕼTᔕ ᖇEᔕEᖇᐯEᗪ, ċŀäiϻᔕ ḟőᖇ ïńVEńTïOń äńď ?ĹäBőᖇ.`~`+`~“ᑭᒪEᗩᔕE ᔕᕼᗩᖇE `ᖴᖇEEᒪY“?
    ` `

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