#cardano #litecoin #EOS
The New Kids On The Blockchain are in LA this week, without Lisa, looking at the ‘crypto-coaster’ rollercoaster crypto market this week, Litecoin adoption comes nearer with its latest announcement ? , How Cardano measures up to Facebooks Libra , EOS latest support level of $4 ?

In our Featured Project we chat to Yuriy from 3Commas about smart trading and using their platform to give an edge on trading.




EOS Bears Biting Back As Price Drops 15.8%, Likely Support At $4


Music by http://www.bensound.com

NB. All information shared here is for information only and should not be considered any kind of financial advice. Always do your own research.



  1. This channel is shadowblocking what they dont want to hear. After insulting me for telling the truth. Here is my second attempt to explain the "bias". Which Ash actually ASKED ME TO EXPLAIN. But obviously he doesnt like the explanation.

     @New Kids On The Blockchain  oh…nervous? Did I just hit the "weak spot" Ash? Sposored? 😉

    ill tell you about bias. You asked.

    1. I never insult anybody. I just state facts. Adaconnecters insult me constantly because they cant fight facts. You are obiously supporting adaconnecters insulting, not debating facts. Bias.

    2. Almost in the same breath you report that eos chain can be altered if 15 out of 21 block producers (changing every minute) could somehow collude. But, at the same time you connect cardano that with shelley it is going to be (future tense) the most decentralised shit around. Somehow you forget mentioning that at this moment and for the last THREE years adaconnect is running under 100% TOTAL CONTROL of ONE ENTITY. And not mentioning that that ONE entity that never changes (not fifteen changing every minute) can reverse any transaction whenever ONE entity wants. Nope, that is somehow not "in the article" you read. BIAS mr. Ash.

    3. Hoaxinson is negative about other projects CONSTANTLY Mr. Ash. With LIES and FUD, not FACTS. And he is a project leader who has access to media, i am a just a guy posting under yt videos. And I am the problem? How can his negative behaveour not border you? BIAS again mr. Ash.


  2. Hey mr. "just reporting the news" Ash… Will you report this news:

    Cardano testnet first week 16 issues!!

    2 issues are with the development team and they are investigating; these issues are:
    -Trx ID identical when sending same ammount twice
    – Sending multiple transactions crash the node

    Those are BASICS for a blockchain!!!! Basics! ….after 3 years of peer reviews.


  3. Hoaxinson on the defensive… 😉 lol
    The master of keeping the gullable on their toes as the "braketrough" is always "just around the corner"… For years and years and years now…

    And with all the "delays" him working on ETC and now even Polymath, which is running on ETHEREUM! Hahahaha

    Always talking about adaconnect as an "just to become top shit decetralised" …always forgetting to tell that it is 100% centralised under 100% control of emurgo%iohk which can reverse all trx and delete all your tokens in a blink of an eye… One entity doing that. For years now. Not three as BTC or ETH, not seven as NEO, not fifteen as EOS, ONE – for years and years and years.

    This channel is getting suspiciously selective.
    Are you really getting payed by Hoaxinson Ash? 😉 I know you are going to deny…but…that would explain the selectiveness.

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