g’day Crypto mates, Today’s topics are: Cryptocurrency Digital Currencies, RUSSIA, NEO NEWS, NEO MEDIA and posts, reference to METAVERSE and Loopring. It’s chat 4 with BlockchainBrad. Talk about key meetings, other quality YOUTUBERS in the CryptoSpace is also mentioned. I remain bullish on NEO, but wow! what an interesting space this blockchain world is.
BREAKING: Russia Issuing ‘CryptoRuble’
Russia Will Issue National Cryptocurrency ‘CryptoRuble’: Report
Palm Beach Confidentail Says Chinese Cryptos are Undervalued: NEO, Metaverse, and Walton,
PalmBeach Research Article
World Bank President: Everyone Is Excited About Blockchain
PBoC Digital Currency Director Calls for Centralized State Cryptocurrency
China’s Communist Party is holding its most important meeting in years: Here’s what you need to know
At Government-Backed Chinese Conference, Bitcoin is Called “Disaster”
What Will Happen When Major Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges Close Down by End of October?
Keith Wareing
Will the Chinese ICO Ban End After October 18th?
NEO might be a requirement for foreign ICO’s in China
City of Zion announce Neon Meta Exchange (NEX)
Metaverse key points
What Loopring (LRC) is and how it relates to NEO, Da Hongfei, City of Zion and the new Neon Meta Exchange (NEX).self.NEO
What Loopring (LRC) is and how it relates to NEO, Da Hongfei, City of Zion and the new Neon Meta Exchange (NEX). from NEO
thanks for all your research, makes me excited about the future of blockchain
thank you for the NEX info Im definitely saving up for that !
Waiting for that pump in Neo…
You are the GOAT on Youtube. Keep up the good work, you are the hardest working Youtuber and it shows. Very great job!
Great video again. I have recently subscribed as well. I looked into loopring during it's ICO and liked it backed then, however didn't purchase. I did invest in the 0x project or ZRX.
ZRX is similar to that of Loopring but services the ETH blockchain. It has a ton of partnerships with even more exchanges using their protocol. Have you looked into ZRX and if so, what are your thoughts?
Thank you Brad, I appreciate your insight and knowledge.
What is your take on QTUM? Great content on all your vids! and what Exchange do you prefer to use? Thx
Great stuff on NEO Brad. Where in Australia you from mate?
should i buy NEO from BTC, ETH, or USDT?
Hi Brad. I'm not a crypto expert but I'd like to reciprocate value. Re: the IMF, check-out SDR's and their long held desire to create a global currency. Crypto is a gift in that aim..although there is a theory that they created it! Personally I share your view of who the crypto father is but it's worth being aware of the IMF's gameplan. James Rickards The Death Of Money discusses SDR in detail (he's a goldbug & not a crypto fan).
Always intrigued by your presentation.
Go Neo!!!!! Buy some Neo before it moons!!!!!$$$*
Much love for the shout out brad!! Will repay the favour tomorrow and beyond!! Peace !!
Thank you sir!
Great work Brad!!
Truly appreciate your veracity Brad! Please keep it up!
Thanks for the analysis! It has already been decided that Xi Jingping will remain leading the party. The question is whether the new members are as progressive as him.
thanks Brad good to see more home grown aussie content coming out keep it up!
Great info Brad!
thank you for sharing your time and research brother -greatfull to subscribe and smash that like button
Thank you Brad!
Good stuff Brad ?
Thanks Brad for some in depth reporting on these articles, your knowledge of neo is exceptional.