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In this episode of Cryptobattles I compare PIVX with Verge. Who has the best technology, adoption, team and future? What is the best cryptocurrency and which is the best investment?


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  1. Verge has more upside as a investor, i can comfortably 16x my investment from 15 cents within a few months. I have already made 4x on it. Also Pivx is in a direct competition with Monero and Dash and getting into the big boy league so it has a much harder battle to fight in order to10x my money as a investor.

  2. Zerocoin protocol has its issues. Because it doesn't retains its history, it runs a risk of coins being created and it gets even worse when the number of coins cannot be tracked. Essentially the problem becomes undetectable. That will be a fatal loophole for zerocoin protocol. If any of the zerocoin run into this issue and the saboteur reveals the attack, all of the coins with zerocoin protocol would crash. But then again, nothing is perfect.

  3. Great video thanks, Verge is solid!

    Privacy coins are a top topic these days. Would like more privacy coins comparisons. Verge and PIVX are great, how about further comparison with others like Cloakcoin, Bytecoin, Komodo, Monero etc. Which one is king of the Hill?

  4. So you took a Verge created info sheet with cherry picked data and downright misleading information and you presented it as fact. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you did no research before making your video rather than you are outright shilling for Verge. Please see this reddit post response to your video: https://www.reddit.com/r/pivx/comments/7728ao/cryptobattle_2_pivx_vs_verge_response_in_comments/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=pivx.

  5. Verge is the better coin. It just doesn't have the name recognition yet. When all of the features kick it, it will blow everything else out of the way. Currently holding Verge but will be selling my Litecoin to buy more Verge while the price is still low.

  6. I appreciate the coverage, but I would like to mention a few things. This review is based on a chart Verge put out with cherrypicked categories and misleading/inaccurate information. Hopefully the biased chart and weird category selection is evident.

    It starts with the Transaction Speed row, which as you mention is actually the block time. For Verge these are the same thing at 30 seconds, but for PIVX with SwiftX, the transaction time is actually less than a second.

    Next we have Transaction Capability, which has recently changed for PIVX when we doubled our blocksize to 2mb and now have the same theoretical capacity as verge. It should be noted that this is a fairly aggressive blocksize that PIVX's incentivized nodes can handle, but verge has has the exact scaling situation that bitcoin is several years into. Their much larger blocksize will increase their blockchain size rapidly and volunteers are far less likely to host full nodes.

    Max Coin Supply is obviously incorrect to call PIVX or Monero supply infinite. Monero does have a supply cap and at no point is PIVX's supply infinite. Anyone who understands supply and demand should realize a coin with infinite supply would be worth $0.00. PIVX's supply is currently 54 million and has one of the lowest inflation rates in crypto today https://i.imgur.com/LQSG84M.png. The coin emission is paid out to the network operators who keep the network robust and the stakers, who are PIVX owners securing that network. What happens to other coins when rewards end? Fees go through the roof and the coin is no longer useful. Deflation is a flashy term that investors love, but there is a cost one way or another. Networks don't run for free

    Obfuscates User IP Address and Mobile Privacy will be addressed in the same way. All coins listed support Tor and VPNs for both (except monero doesn't have a mobile wallet). In fact, PIVX just released improved tor integration in their latest release. Verge has basically no advantage in this area, they are still optional on tor just like everyone else. This issue is far less important than blockchain privacy, which in the next row you'll note verge has completely dismissed.

    Finally they list a Public Blockchain as a plus and say it's critical to adoption. Firstly, every blockchain is public other than corporate ones like Ripple. What they probably mean to say is something like non-private blockchain. Verge have claimed that actual blockchain privacy won't be adopted by merchants because they can't verify they've been paid. This demonstrates either significant dishonest or significant lack of understanding of the blockchain privacy tech available. It is not true for any coin on the market.

  7. I am a member of the Core Verge Marketing Team. Thank you for providing an honest assessment of both Verge and PIVX. There has been a laser-focus on the technology itself, but wanted to let you know that the Verge website is about to undergo a metamorphosis of a change, because we happen to agree that the wealth of experience on the Verge Team has not been showcased well enough, as you said, and this brings a closer tie-in with our community. The Verge Community itself? My opinion is quite biased, but we feel that they are our greatest asset and the strongest in cryptocurrency, frankly. However, they need to know exactly who our development team is and our marketing team is, the organization’s hierarchy, etc. This will be fixed quite soon, after our Wraith Protocol release, as everyone is heads-down and hands on keyboard right now, regarding Wraith. Also, I have started MeetUp groups, starting in Los Angeles, but now spreading around the globe, so that the Verge Community knows who we are, can shake our hands and meet us in-person. Lastly, again, after Wraith is released, I plan on starting to release weekly update videos, which show what transpired during the last week in Verge, and also Q&A sessions with our DEV Team too. Thanks once more for your frank and honest assessment, as it is constructive criticism like this that helps Team Verge approve. I’ve been a long-time subscriber and love what you do, so please keep doing it, and if you ever want to conduct an interview, please just let me know.

  8. You are wrong on the verge community iT is big. And the team talks a lot to the community. Regarding pr, They Just raised 1.000.000xvg out of the community for marketing. So you Will see good marketing fast. Furthermore you forgot atomic swap with verge. Try to reach Michael stollaire, sunerok or cryptorekt and interview those Guys please to get the full picture. Although my comments Thanks for the work you do

  9. I agree with you that the marketing of verge could be better, but I read on reddit that they chose for not saying too much, because it will only backfire when they cannot make the dates.. I do think that if they bring what they say the crypto will have massive growth. Would love to see XRP vs XLM.

  10. The 'Fact' list for comparison that you use is made by Verge PIVX will soon make one with all details and more coins I will sent it to you when it is ready Keep up the good work.

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