While some investors like Warren Buffett and David Einhorn have achieved near-celebrity status as a result of their widely publicized investment strategies and successes, there has been relatively little focus on how these wealthy magnates spend their days. http://bit.ly/2HPTshU

What do the best investors read, how do they reduce stress during market slumps, and how much time do they actually spend looking at stocks. I talk about these points in my video here.

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  1. There is no way Warren Buffet eats mcdonalds. These people are fully aware of what is in that stuff that we can't even call food. I guarantee they have personal chefs and eat the highest quality food. Guarantee!!

  2. Great info. Very nice topic you’ve touched on. My question would be, so a lot of time spend on reading which I completely understand. You need to be aware. Then comes the investment strategy which makes money in the long run. But how you live day to day? I spend maybe 20% of my time reading 60-70% working to live and then I’m left with peanuts to live life. I feel that’s almost everyone’s lifestyle in any big city. So how do you start with little money, and find a way to pay yourself through investing?

  3. I have 14,000 I'm 19 what do I do tips please I wanna invest like 95% of it then i get another 14k next summer but I'll be living with my parents til I'm 21 working at a 50k paying job

  4. Hi, Cesar Zamora here, I try to read a book a month. I am a business entrepreneur and in the past two days I get into a group of JVs that fundraising deals for companies. You are an investor and I look for sources of money to fund projects like oil and gas, hospitals, real state etc. I am new in the game so what advise will give us to all that are in my situation. How will approach investors?

  5. I wish in future the technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies come up with something awesome by which we could skip the entire eating task so that I could read more. And also washing Cloths takes lots of time from us specially in countries like India we still use our hands to clean and wash our everyday cloths.

  6. Isn't it a little more productive to watch documentaries or biographies nowadays? In the old days, you cannot easily search videos/documentaries of a specific topic, which is why people read; to easily take specific topics from the shelf/bookstore/library.. nowadays, videos/tutorials/documentaries are widely available and easy to search anything that might interest you… well, I may not be a book reader but, videos from the internet surely educate me… any thoughts from the readers out there?

  7. Amazing people actually believe Buffett drinks coke and eats at McD's at his age. Time and health are the most important assets in his life. Most likely he spits it out right after the shoot. He's doing those things in front of a camera for marketing purpose since he has a big interest in those companies. Buffett can't even beat Sp500 anymore. So I wouldn't bet too much on his company. Market timing is very dangerous for average Joe, so a good mix of index funds stock/bonds is recommended especially if you are expecting a downturn in the near future. Those that sat out in cash in 2017, you lost 20% gain….

  8. I spend more time in reading different stuff….. But information goes in mind but don't know where that will fly… very hard to recall sometime I forget my own name which filling banking form

  9. i have been reading investment books, financial news and Bloomberg everyday but i still do not know what should i read, if i am reading the right thing, what information is good for me. the more i read, the more lost i am, kind of. hope you have any suggestion Phil,. thank you

  10. I just love reading too! I read atleast 5 hours a day or more. Read books, articles, Magazines and Companies balance sheets… listen some audio podcast everyday…I loved your videos Phil…

  11. Read, but just read newspapers? If focused on a specific subject, then I would think books too. Like if I were to be an expert in marketing, then I should read marketing books, not newspapers, right? What am I missing?

  12. My day starts at work and I read the forums of the stocks that I have in my portfolio which takes about 10 minutes in the morning and another 10 minutes during lunch. When I get home then the reading’s starts. 20 to 30 minutes and somtimes even hours watching investing video’s en reading forums!

  13. hello thanks sir about video,
    But warren buffett never had computer on his office ,and i never heared him talk specificly what kind of lecture we should read , no general one like newspeaper or magazine .
    if you can give me , a simple example of lecture, and where i can found it ?

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