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  1. Welcome to the Crypto Crew! Thanks so much for all the overwhelming support, you guys are awesome! Would love to welcome you into our classes! Let's get you on the right track in Crypto! Links in description???

  2. Challenges hit us all the time when investing, but with cryptocurrency, it's not as obvious. It could be a couple losses, but if they pile up, it's hard to stay on your toes.

  3. Very trendy….hodl…fodl. But perhaps the merits of Bitcoin have been oversodl………and when all is todl, investors will be left with the symptoms of a bad financial headcodl.

  4. I can see that the price of bitcoin is falling and now steadily increasing so its is a 70% of bitcoin going back to its former glory so now is the best time to invest in bitcoin.Also ripple now has a touch to it as it is steadily increasing too and these two are the best to invest in 2018. I my self am an analyst and I bought bitcoin from cryptoconnectofficial. I already have a lot of ripple so I chose to buy bitcoin and he sells them at a cheaper rate. To get btc and various currencies such as Lth, Eth etc contact him on gmail:[email protected]: cryptoconnectofficialFacebook:cryptoconnectofficialWhatsApp:+19093755627Contact me for more analysis Gmail:[email protected]:vingaal official Facebook:luciousvingaalWhatsapp:+15186656636Have a good day and better investment

  5. Thank you for your sharing.
    If you want to HODL your BTC or altcoins anyway, isn’t it a good idea to arbitraging them along the way to increase your profit?

    Could you please let me introduce one of my favourite bitcoin exchanges, Bx Thailand.

    You can trade BTC, ETH, LTC and other top altcoins in Thai Baht, which has liquidity enough and suitable for speculating or arbitraging with other top exchange sites such as Binance,GDAX,Bittrex etc.

    Nowadays, arbitraging between top crypto currency exchanges is not easy at all because of trading bots is doing their jobs arbitraging BTC and altcoins. However, with cross currency exchange platform (such as THB/USD), you can also do that because most of trading bots don’t take into account currency exchange.
    If you are interested please follow my Link, sign up for free and try. Thank you.

  6. Don't get all the fuss about DEATH Cross? What do you want to tell with DEATH Cross ? that bitcoin after 50 and 200 moving averages collides starts to crash down somehow different? 🙂 Bitcoin is crashing and that's it. DEATH Cross is made up thing. You can adjust averages just how you like and you will get 20 death crosses or not.

  7. Let's play the Devil's advocate and look at the worst case scenario.
    This is the end of crypto and it's a slow death that started 3 months ago. Is it possible that in 1 year 1 bitcoin will be worth $500.00 dollars.

  8. Steve,
    I need help, I’ve been at this screen watching the numbers drop like a drug attic feverishly needing a fix, my legs are numb, I haven’t showered in days, my hand is trembling to click the BUY BUTTON, I think I need CA (Crypto Anonymous) 12 step program. I know from what I read, the first step is admitting I am powerless over crypto.

    Then you came into our live to show us the way, the only one out there that has provide free content that explains why the market is falling.

    Your honesty, direct attention to walk us through and not bounce all over to the point we can’t follow, like other YouTubers out there do out of habit.

    I read the comments after this video and fall into line with everyone else, stay true, honest, genuine and simple.

    Your Pink Blazer and world hat will make you unforgettable, don’t change a thing, your are the best teacher out there.

    Ok, time for me to stand, take a shower, get some rest and relax a little because you help us understand and understanding helps release FUD & FOMO.

    Be well

    Jeff T

  9. Steve can you do some videos of what happens after the death cross, like what the normal behavior is, will it dip move then bounce back. It would be nice to have some stock market examples

  10. Steve, thanks for being REAL and SIMPLE, thats the reason your channel is growing so fast! I´m sure that your channel will be the biggest on youtube concerning crypto! Keep on the GOOD work man! We are learning a lot! Greetings from The Netherlands!

  11. It is because of your integrity that I even spend the time listening to you. I'm a very busy person myself and only have a small amount of time to listen to other people's work and shows. Because of that I am very keen on where I place my focus. You are only one of two channels that I go to to get genuine insight on the markets and because I know you are not pimping yourself out to ICO projects that I can trust and rely upon what you say. There are so many now that I will no longer even visit their channels because I know they have sold out. And so yes brother remain true and thank you for all that you do. You In the long run will reap the benefits of holding integrity and being genuine to your listening audience.Whereas all the other liars once they are outed will lose the audience that once trust them for outlook and insight on what's up with crypto.

  12. Stevee!!! Is it possible to manipulate RSI by placing huge pending orders? I'm using Binance and now they launched cool function Stop-Limit. What if some whale places Stop-Limit order to buy 10.000 BTC if the prize reaches 20.000 USDT?
    BTW you are doing great work sir!

  13. Bit coin is not dieing I see new BTC vending atm machines popping up still and they are upgrading the network for lightning fast transactions . dont give up . People need to stop jumping on tether when theyr coin is going down . that tether coin is invincible and is probably the reason why the coins are dropping . Haven't you noticed no matter how much people jump on tether it never moves and the market cap hardly flinches. think about that for a minute. you jump on tether and go oh look i made some satoshis jumping on and of but guess what the coin went down so the added satoshis are not increasing your wealth. that goes for all coins. stay away for the tether . if you dont have the courage to ride your coin at least .at the very least jump back to bitcoin . Id rather see mcaffe win his bet then to see tether come out on top and take all of your coins buy soaking them up and putting them in the reserve for later use. they have the infinite USD to do it .

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