Ep 118: Top 5 Option Strategies for Monthly Income
In this video we cover the top 5 option strategies for monthly income for option traders. This video will give you an overview if you just started trading options.
You will see examples of various option strategies like selling a covered call or upside calls that you can do with any stock or ETF which trades options. We will discuss selling naked options strategy which is great if you are willing to buy a stock at a lower price, the vertical spread, calendars, and iron condors.
Depending on your personal strategy and the way you like to trade will depend on the strategy that is best for you. We will review some risk and reward concepts, but you will have to find your sweet spot when it comes to options and discovering strategies that match your personality and risk style.
Posted at: http://tradersfly.com/2017/01/ep-118-top-5-option-strategies/
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Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns: http://amzn.to/2fCnxIB
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Please Do a video on Reverse Iron Condor for earnings week
This tutorial is great
1. Covered Calls
2. Cash-Secured Puts
3. Short Vertical Spreads
4. Iron Condors
5. Calendars
Thank you for sharing, Sasha! It was very helpful.
Thank you Sasha. You are so crystal clear in explaining. Looking forward to subscribing with you. I was given a gift of two etrade accounts with about $167 to get started. Gives me a lot of hope in learning to trade options. Hopefully I can do well within my first month of the new year.
i just paid for your product and still no access? and there no customer services phone number?
These strategies work in India…?
Greetings how much money do I need in my account to start with options? And which strategies do you think is easier for a beginner in options trading ? Thanks !
I love doing this in thinkorswim paper trading but I can’t sell any options because if I got assigned I wouldn’t have the money to pay for 100 Apple stocks
Bro you just bought 100 contracts not 100 shares. Gotta get the basics down first
Hi Sasha. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your kindness for sharing your knowledge to us. It does help me to understand quicker and have a clearer picture of how options work.
I have a question for the 5th strategy you mentioned. You buy a call at the later date and sell a put at the earlier date. What if the put is exercised by the buyer? Is this strategy still work?
And for the 5 strategies you mentioned in the video, we are aiming for the premium only or we are aiming for the value of option going up also and then close the position?
Thank you so much!
If you profit from time decay, would that be tax exempt?
really helpful thank you so much
Hola Sasha thanks for the explanation… I wanted to ask you if you can share the software that you are using for the presentation thankssss….
Great Video !!…..hey, at 3:30 did you say it costs 87,000 dollars in margin?….but meant to say it cost 13,000 and you have a remaining 87000 left in buying power ….???? your videos are awesome and helpful, very thorough and slow, complete, detailed!! thanks
What's your advice for trading options with small account that's not approved for margin. I'm talking like 4-500$. Thanks
Thank you for posting this.
Excellent tutorial on options… Keep up the good work
Man, You're the only person I found that explains every single detail about trading, I'll be happy to join your class, I'm saving money to start soon
Is $5000 enough to start trading? I have my full time job which starts at 10am PST which allows me to trade early in the morning then go to work.
Thanks again