Ep 82: Day Trading Stocks When to Trade, When to Sit

When to trade, When to Sit, and some examples of day trading and some trading action.

Before you day trade, you need to decide an overall market trend, where is the trend but then also where is more of the risk.

How far are we extended? How far we extended on that rubber band at those levels? Are we coming into some major weekly support and resistance or are stretched too far.

What happens is if you have a market direction first off, overall, I look at it and say the market’s overall been heading higher. However, now, I look at where is the risk.

Posted at: http://tradersfly.com/2016/04/ep-82-day-trading-stocks/



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  1. I do day trading and momentum trading and it doesn’t always apply the market conditions. Some of my best trades are wen the market is down. And also the penny stocks can run over 300% or even 1000% a good catalyst on a stock will and can override a bad market conditions and a bad daily chart. For example today $LFIN 230% i trade one time only because I follow PDT rule because of my account size. I capture 2.55$ and this stock is going for 15$ so far. BTW I do scalping I get in and get out in minutes.

  2. If someone planned to hold on to their position for years (long term investing), does it matter when he/she enters the trade? Should they wait for the right set-up as they would day trading or swing trading?

  3. Great lesson Sasha. Thank you so much. I just recently found your YouTube channel. You explain things really easy to understand. Keep up the good work! Greetings from Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

  4. thats another major risk ive overlooked after multiple months of paper trading. internet connection! i got cut off the other day for several hours due to maintenance and i had practice day trade position active on a fast moving stock. if i had real money on the line i would be bouncing off the walls in panic lol. definitely a big realization for me!
    great vid once again!

  5. When the gap up or gap down happens, is it really natural that the market will fill this up in one point or another? or is there a time that it didnt fill? what are the exceptions? Thank you sasha

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