Warren Buffett’s investing philosophy is brilliant because it’s so simple. Don’t lose money. Ever. That philosophy has made him one of the richest people on the planet and he is undoubtedly one of the most successful investors of all time. bit.ly/100kr1giveaway

One of the best ways to get a feel for just how extraordinary Warren Buffett’s investment results have been over the years is to look at how much money you could have made if you had invested in Buffett’s holding company, Berkshire Hathaway. I do that in this video.

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following warren buffett, get rich, value investing, how to invest, investing in stocks, warren buffett advice, warren buffet advice on investing,



  1. Will it possible to make Buffett make money without public money. What i am asking he used all the public money and bought other company share it is like hedge. How you value his company "Berkshire Hathaway" is by price or holding of shares. Is Berkshire Hathaway is like bubble or the value of share is worth like gold. If the told holding of share on other company is 3000% higher than current price then it not manipulate account . Is there any site where i can see real holding and yearly account balance sheet. By they way you can check my EA which works like hedge fund where you can hedge with multi-pair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXlSPNOvd2I

  2. Hello sir the information in the video . I'm a commercial truck driver and i'm looking to place my money in some diversified investments and get myself out from behind the wheel of this truck . I have been casually watching the stock market and trying to figure it all out as far as how to play safe and profitable with what's been going on a friend of mine invested into the medical marijuana a couple of years ago and he is now retired and he is not an old guy like me . It's a long story why i have been driving the truck for over 20 years but i have to take accountability for making the wrong choices in my life and learn from my mistakes and go forward i would like to be able to place part of my salary in choosing investment that can help me acquire land and build on that land for profit like apartments or rentals or something like that . i would like to get started but i want to make sure i'm starting at the right point with the right information to create my investing strategies thank you

  3. But that is a bit misleading. I mean $1,000 was worth a lot more before than now, so even though the amount increases a lot, the actual value of the money increase is not as dramatic as the numbers make it look. You should point that out.

  4. Hi Phil!.. you are great and easy to talk too. So I want to ask you Phil, Do you think “weed” stocks i.e “cronos”.. knowing what I know about marijuana and how much ppl enjoy , also it’s becoming more legalized in more states, it seems smart to buy now while on sale yet it drops daily. Can you help me to decide.

  5. Hi Phil. That kind of reasoning is always jaw dropping. But who knew? Maybe today there’s another BH born that’s going to perform even better but I’m sure you don’t know it and nobody else. If I knew the lottery numbers for next draw I’d be rich too.

  6. Hi Phil. Your video is so darn inspiring. I’ve heard about cloning before but you explain it much Better! It makes me wanna sell all my S&P 500 and clone Buffet. My question is. What happens when Buffet dies and I’m cloning him?

  7. do you think these '4 Main Principles' of buffet is enough to apply to other things besides just stocks?  Like real estate or crypto or buying a business directly instead of just shares in it?  or is that too overly simplistic for other areas that are not stocks

  8. Greetings I’m eager to start investing but I’m not sure which kind of account I should open I mean after I match my employment 401k and invest in a IRA how can I invest the rest on individual stocks ? Do I have to open a taxable account for that ? Can I do it on the same broker or it’s better to do it with different brokerage accounts ? Thanks

  9. 1. Buy the right company and at right time — it is easy to give examples from past once they have been successful. However, it is extremely difficult to find the right company and further more difficult to buy it at a right price. How many of you or your parents were aware of Warren Buffett or his company in 1964 and even if any of them were aware how much trust was their on Warren Buffett and company in 1964. You can tell the same tale for all successful companies around the globe.
    2. Investing 1000$ in 1964 is approx. investing 65000$ today, which is not possible for most of the people. When giving these kind of examples, they never tell this (time value concept of money) and average viewer just thinks in his mind 1000$ value to be same as today.

  10. Ok, so Buffet has recently bought some TEVA. The company is really cheap right now after they messed up last year, but the new management has improved the situation. They are very underpriced when compared to their past performance and the sector, plus they have some new medicine approved by the FDA to hit the market relatively soon. Does this look like a typical Buffet purchase? Buy on sale and wait? If that's the case, why has he only increades his shares so slightly? I plan to buy 1k of their stocks next week either way, but would like to hear your take. Here or even in a private message…

  11. I’m glad you added that part at the end. People sometime don’t understand that Warren can’t optimally invest in companies because of his volume of capital. BH has to invest like a huge company not like a small investor…. people should copy his strategies not his portfolio.

  12. Intelligent Investors Checklist:

    1) Invest in companies with strong fundamentals.
    2) Make sure you know the business and are not simply gambling.
    3) Look for Wide Economic Moat (competitive advantage)
    4) Buy it when it goes below its intrinsic value (i.e when it's undervalued)
    5) Keep Margin of Safety
    6) Buy and hold for 10 – 15 years time horizon.

    "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing" – Warren Buffet

    Most important: NEVER sell due to temporary market fluctuations (bear market) or correction. Believe in the fundamentals. It will almost always reward you.

  13. Start investing young. Invest in a low cost global tracker and you are investing in the world. Don’t kid yourself that you have any special ability to pick stocks. It’s unlikely that you have a Master’s degree or higher and are backed by a company that has invested millions in technology-that’s who the professional stock pickers are. You are not Warren Buffet. You can’t compete. As you get older gradually shift in to safe government bonds. It’s not sexy and you might expect 5% growth per year: start young and that’s still a lot of growth.

  14. And still still it's just a stupid lucky monkey among millions. I can't buy a 'cheap company' at the right time and also I can't just sell all assets and gamble the money on the stock markets as he did, because only one in a million has the money at that point in time and that stupid random monkey hits the lottery. Don't overglorify that old stupid man. Did you ever hear the stupid things he said in recent times. He is nothing special. Any monkey would make millions if millions of monkeys trade. That's proven fact.

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