? It should be stated that a 3x gain year on year isn’t quite a bear market, but still we will call it one due to the significant drop this year.
?Ternio Website: http://smarturl.it/terniowebsite
?Ternio Telegram: http://smarturl.it/terniotelegram.io
? Binance Exchange: https://goo.gl/xvvjrt
? KuCoin Exchange: https://goo.gl/aC6Z7d
? Buy Bitcoin Through Coinbase: https://goo.gl/KNeSvo
? Recommended Wallet – Ledger Nano S: https://goo.gl/ejMrcu
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? Clips!
It’s So Hot

? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.



  1. I am the best investor,i fomo in december 2017 and i hodl for 7 months till all my money is gone.
    Hahaha look at me sitting here with my 2 million Electroneum?
    I’ve seen crazy profits and i was too greedy.

  2. Played that game and it is utter shit XDD
    simply unplayable but what ever this gonna revolutionize the whole gaming industry (im just kidding) there is no usecase for crypto in gaming ABSOLUTELY NONE

  3. I'd rather lose the small amount of crypto that I still have, because only then this fat fuck will not make another cent.  Fuckin fag… I fucking hate you all, especially your dumb viewers who eat your shit, fucking bitch.

  4. 3:28 … You didn't publicly state you started selling at 18k not out of embarrassment.  That's a straight lie.  Stating it would make a vast majority of people consider selling, while you secretly wanted the market to go up so you continue dumping at higher and more unsustainable prices.  Don't frame things in such a way and say it would be embarrassing to publicly have stated a losing trade.  This bear market was caused by thieves like you along with idiots like your followers who eat your bullshit and digest it with a happy face and ask for more.Fuck you.

  5. Ternio is not a real project. I think you should be carefull with that one. For all we know the audit got done by a Mac Donalds co-worker that's flipping burgers. It's not the fastest blockchain by far. You should check out Credits they already have shown 488k tps within Alpha. It's getting audit done by real firms like FP Complete and Red4Sec. Also, Nitin Gaur from IBM is an advisor for Credits. Btw, Credits testnet is out on Monday. Mainnet will be done in private for the official partners also on Monday. Thanks

  6. you should be more fair to your viewers man. Now youre telling that you were taking profits all the way from 18k… So if I hiperbolize: you were preaching moon and taking profits, now you were on vacation drinking cocktails. I was hearing you preaching moon and hodlin and now I´m in minus… cheers.

  7. 15 degreees? 😀 😀 😀 HOT? 😀 Visit Philippines in the real Tropical Zone. Thiiiiis iiiiis heeeeeeeeeat! 😀 Without aircon you die for a two weeks before you adjust to this nature terror 😀 Where is my cryptogold? 😀

  8. So, a second gaming coin you love? What ever happened to that great coin you were shilling 6 months ago, No Limit Coin? They're no longer flying you out to Santa Monica? "this'll go to .50 easy". Funny, no mention of that. Vibe? "one of the most incredible projects I've seen" lol. All praise Crypto youtubers- praise the shillers

  9. What is all this talk about bear market? What bear market? I look at the charts and see higher highs and higher lows. Oh you must be talking about short term charts. Pfff. I don't think you know what you are talking about.

  10. What I'm considering and wondering is this: selling a bit from my losses, so that in incomtax, I can deduce those losses from future gains (if gains happen in 2018) so that I am not taxed as much on it if I take some gains out. I might need to do a tarot reading for that 😉

  11. Hi,


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    Rs.80,000(80k INR),(1160 USD) is the worth of 5000ETHX COINS at present.In future it might pump up.

    It's in ICO PERIOD.First week of August , It comes to exchanges.Just rush up before this opportunity ends by the end of this month.

    Just try it.

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  12. This isn’t a bear market. This is a correction to norm. The manipulation of ‘17 has ended. 6k btc is still overvalued. The bear market doesn’t begin until we’re sub pre-manipulation

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