If you are serving in the military or are just retiring from military service, there are a number of investment options and strategies you will want to explore. In this video, I will share those options with you. http://bit.ly/2xaTsYv

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  1. Phil, I am 17 years in the National Guard and 2 combat tours. I came across your books a couple years ago and have really enjoyed getting to know you through them. Thank you for making this video. I look forward to meeting you at one of your workshops.

  2. E-5 Serving active duty in the Marine Corps. I use the TSP for the 5% contribution match, I also invest in individual stocks through Robinhood. I look for stocks that are growing dividends and earings at fast rates, and good companies that suffer big drops from bad news.

  3. Good evening, I am 21 years old just hit my 1 year mark, and have been reading a few books on investing to get the basics down before I jump into investing. I only plan on doing 4 years. Any advice? Also would love for you to do a video on the new Blended retirement system (BRS). Thank you.

  4. I served 11 years in the Marine Corps and currently trying to go into the Reserves. I am currently a government employee and have a TSP. I enjoyed the video and it has given me new direction with what to do with my current IRA. However I still am under the belief that it doesn't hurt to put my 5 percent in the TSP because if the government matches me 5 % then that is an automatic 100 percent return on my money. I generally keep most of it in the G Fund so that not a bad idea right?

  5. I served in the Army 2011-15. I started investing about 2 years ago. My very first investment was with Amazon. Amazon was less than $500 per share. Now its close about 950. I never had a problem saving; therefore, i saved a lot of money during my time in service. I believed in Amazon so you bet i invested a lot of my spending money in that company. It was my first stock investment so I thought it was smart to sell around 850. It seemed like so much profit at the time, so i thought i should sell. Im a bit sharper now, so i continue to improve my strategies. Thank you for your videos!

  6. I'm active duty now. I been saving my money so far and haven't invested in anything other than the tsp roth. I would really like you to be my mentor even tho you have kinda been a mento of mine since I have been watching your videos, but actual one on one helps best. Thank you for all you do and I would love to hear back from you

  7. Joined the United States Air Force in May.
    Waiting to be shipped out to Basic Training soon.
    I met Phil in Georgia last year & everything he says is great and true!
    Best of luck to everyone investing.

  8. Currently Active Duty with 15 years in. Started investing 15 years ago with a Financial Adviser. After he made me -1% over 5 years, I decided to take things into my own hands. I came across your book in 2007, drifted away from the fundamentals and learned some valuable lessons. Have gotten back into it and really appreciate your insight and methodology. Hope to get the time to attend a workshop in the future! Thanks, Phil!

  9. Phil, I always appreciate your great advice. Thank you for your continued service! I am also a US Army veteran, founder of a nonprofit that serves vets in crisis, and also a financial advisor. I agree that ROTH IRA is an excellent wealth building vehicle. I would welcome an opportunity to discuss with you additional strategies to help vets and work with you on other tax free retirement vehicles that allow for greater accumulation and wealth with no loss potential, contribution limits or penalties.

  10. Hi Phil I was in the British Army went in with the best of intentions but after a few months I thought I woud surely die shortly in war/Ireland so I blew my money. Guess what, I didnt die and here I am 55 investing now.

  11. "Howdy" to all our active military out there – we love you guys! I suggest if you want to set up an on-line broker account to do your own investing and trading then go to http://www.ruleoneinvesting.com and get the free trial for the Toolbox. In the Toolbox, you will see a banner at the top of the page that says Trade Station. By opening an account there, they will waive commissions on your investing and trading. Can't get better than that and I'm pretty sure there is NO end to the program while you stay active military.

  12. I've got 18.5 years in the USAF – I agree with you, Phil. Roth IRA before the TSP (unless you are going for the new BRS system, then first put in 5% to get your match). I really should have started investing earlier, but you know how it goes when you are young. I didn't really do much until about 5 years ago. I tell the young guys to not make that mistake. A few listen and save. Still, that pension is a golden goose and I am nearly there.

    I look at the TSP as a solid base, but VERY minimal control. I like to be in control of my money.

    I know you said you are happy to bring any active military into your classes, but I am far away. Do you have anything on a PDF you might be willing to email to me?

    Thank you for these videos.

  13. Sir,
    E5 here in the Navy and you are right, we are paid decently well. Stateside I average 56,000 a year and in Italy it was 74,000 not including the price of healthcare. The one thing I would have liked you to cover is the new retirement system the military is starting January 1 2018. Instead of the high 3 program (highest 3 years base pay X 50%) They are now starting a highest 3 years base pay X40% but will now match up to 5% in your TSP contributions. Known as the BRS, Blended Retirement System. http://militarypay.defense.gov/BlendedRetirement/

  14. I'm currently active duty. During bootcamp, TSP was pretty heavily recommended to us. Although I'm 19, I don't quite know much about investing, but all I knew was starting early and putting a percentage in from base pay was essential. I'm doing some research on how to use income I'm receiving to increase it but all I seem to find is how to save it.

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