Today I want to talk about the fear and stress that people associate with investing on their own in the stock market, and what you can do to overcome it.

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  1. I’ve put 16500 in my Roth IRA over three years but haven’t invested bc’s of fear ??. It’s just 16500 cash sitting there. Thinking I should pull it all and out it towards my house… thoughts?

  2. In a way investing does feel like a life or death situation. As a Community Health Worker in a health care setting, every day I talk to at least one elderly patient who struggles to make ends meet. Hardly anyone is saving enough, and alone the stress of dealing with that affects one's health, their quality of life, and in the end their lifespan. Forget the fact that many don't take all of their medications because they feel they can't afford it. I've done a great job at saving for the future, with plans to expand on real estate investments, my Roth IRA and 403b accounts, but fear taking the risk of investing in stocks and bonds. You're right though, becoming more knowledgeable on the topic will make a huge difference. I just don't trust myself enough yet to make that commitment. In the meantime I plan on investing heavily in what appear to be safe ETFs when the market hits correction and/or crashes. A step in the right direction I believe.

  3. Thanks so much for your videos – they're amazing and I'm learning and growing so much. What helped me to press the buy button for the first time was that I'd researched the company inside and outside. I also started with risking a small amount of money that I was ok with losing if I did happen to stuff it up. I viewed it as an investment in my education, and in gaining experience, confidence and wisdom. It's all working out great – the fear is shrinking, and I feel increasingly confident of creating a financially secure future for myself and my kids.

  4. I love your videos and have been binging on your podcast. There is something about your swing and a miss pop culture references that I love. Also your daughter is a great devil's advocate to your strategies. Keep them coming

  5. Hi phill: I spent all of my savings two times. once in the Stock Market and another time on an algo-trading Forex investment. both investments left me dry and wiped my savings clean. I'm reaching a point where I can Save some money but I'm terrified of investing again. what would you recommend for me? where should i begin? thanks. Hernan

  6. Thought I was being savvy in my 20s by investing in the stock market in banks & telecoms and ended up losing absolutely everything. Now approaching 40 and terrified of getting back in again due to the ridiculous recent (? unsustainable) gains and fear of having missed the boat. I don't have any kind of future pension to talk about. I know they say time in the market is more important than timing the market, but do you think the markets are overvalued at the moment and I should avoid putting a lump sum in for the next three months?

  7. I'm just starting with educating and I do fear about " what's out there " when I will start investing. I know I will overcome this fear by education. Thanks a lot Phil !

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