? In all seriousness. How To Relax Trading Crypto. I hope the lessons learned prove invaluable.
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? Clips!
I Pet My Dog:
? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.
As I asked of Ivan on Tech…warthogs. Get some warthog footage for your vids.
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NOICE! Always makes me smile!
How do we convert dust tokens to bnb on binance??? Don't see an option for that anywhere on the binance app.
Hey. What do you think about MoneroV fork? will it affect XMR price?
The last of us in crypto
Dude, THE LAST OF US! I love the music!
keep the intro's from now
also, if you got no ideas for new ones, make it your way, maybe… like the end? ;-)))
Where the hell did you find these many entry videos and the put them in the cyrpto context – you are a genius . The fact that you are asking for funny clips as suggestions makes you so human on top – an adorable genius – pls never stop!!
Please do an episode on NANJCOIN. Couldn’t get it off my mind ever since u mentioned it. Thanks
zcoin to moon.. 2018
just used that BNB feature today… awsome!
Beyond the well summarized and humoristic content, you definitely have the best cripto space intros!!!

Thanks for the great Vids, informative, short, and funny
watch horor movie. then you will be relax. haha
what has gone wrong with nlc2? …no one wants to use it
amazing all the triangles that form on BTC charts. why… why or why. p.s. you overdo the 'nice' clip… don't you ?
I have a idea!
last of us
Great video, thanks for sharing. I've smashed the like button for you!
If you are looking to get hold of some crypto without investing or mining, look into https://www.crowdholding.com. They are a co-creation platform were you get rewarded for giving feedback to crypto startups on the platform. You can earn Crowdholding's token as well as DeepOnion, ITT, Smartcash and many other ERC-20 tokens.
You pack a lot of info in your vids and ALWAYS make me laugh! Cheers from across the pond!
I love how your videos are under 10 min. Short, to the point and entertaining. Not long winded like most crypto vids
Binance/Exchanges should have a dust bin for charities. smh this should be obvious.
Vitalik is scary smart
Do an intro imitating your buddy Suppoman…..that would be cool
needs more "nice!" meme. 2 per video not enough
Hey Man, I'm being serious. I love your channel and your videos, but your personality has changed since your break. Honestly, as someone who has experienced depression, you seem depressed. Hope you're okay, and please take care of your self, hope you have someone you can talk to. <3
Sharding, like LN, is way too complicated to pull off effectively and requires far too much overhead to be competitive with the likes of EOS and whatever else might be around the corner.
click noice
wow tron is in good shape
intro spoof on the "Price is Right" so many possibilities they are endless
Try this one for an intro! Of course, the watch becomes a Bitcoin logo. Good luck!
I <3 that new Binance feature! BNB!!! Good pot pie!
Paymon the next verge with that crazy million dollar returns….
Yew Binance with the dust conversion, finally I can clean up my wallets! Yippee
I'd Love for you to see a short that I made as the intro for one of my video's. Since it will most likely flag as spam I'm going to send you a link in a separate comment. Please watch! Feel free to do whatever you would like with it. Meaning it would be super awesome to see it used in one of your video's!!
You forgot about FUSION….keeps rising nonstop
tron: build it firtst ,then find use case
Help me pls guys. Should I put 1k into XRP BNB ZRX ETH ? Which one ?
I laughed for ages at you cutting off the "nice!" guy, that gag had definitely worn thin but you managed to revive it by ironically acknowledging that.
I think you should do a back to the future intro if the market repeats itself with huge gains
Idk what's going on with your hair crypto daily, but its funky
Dragon ball Z power up bitcoin into!