Being able to time the stock market – predicting when it is going to crash and investing accordingly – is the holy grail of investing. No matter what some analysts may tell you, timing the market in this fashion is an impossible goal.

Nevertheless, instead of predicting a crash, there are different ways to “time the market” that are entirely doable and can end up being just as valuable.

Click the link above to download my FREE PDF, the 3 Greatest Stock Market Myths.

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  1. Another great common-sense video, thanks Phil! This is a good time to remember that line about making money while you wait, & not when you buy or sell. Keep up the fine work, love the videos and your repeating the basic lessons, this stuff has to sink in after listening often enough, yes?

  2. Here is how you 'TIME' the stock market successfully: 1) Don't try to time individual stocks as that's pretty much impossible without insider information. 2) Instead try to time the overall market using ETFs that reflect the overall markets (DOW, S&P 500, etc). 3) Use a method for timing that is so different and unique that almost no one else is using it. (I use engineering wave-form analysis on around 100 different specific charts to accurately predict peaks and troughs in the American markets, that is something no one else is using as far as I know of). 4) Use this accurate timing information to be able to 'short' the market when it is falling as bull markets don't last forever. If you can do all of this correctly, you should easily be able to generate annual returns of 50% or higher on a consistent and regular basis.

  3. My whole life I honestly thought that buying low and selling high is too obvious, and that there has to be some deeper secret to it. But no, it's actually so obvious that nobody does it

  4. what do you guys here trade most with ; options, bonds , futures, stocks? Are you in and out or value investing?
    I've heard you only buy when you have a 3-1 chance of making money is this true? (Risk 1 to make 3,Casino rules)

  5. Each video you keep repeating yourself: "Buy after crash. Buy companies when they are on sale. Like all great investors like Warren B." … etc. I think we get that.

  6. I successfully "Timed" the market (your version of timing) in the minor correction back in 2014. Haven't done it since, but that year I made around 17% (sadly only with a few grand).

  7. Hey Phil, recently discovered your channel and am a new subscriber here. Can you please make a video about your opinion on the huge emerging cannabis sector in the market, and specifically the Canadian one that is going to be impacted come legalization (Oct. 17th). I am a 15 yo. who has invested a few thousands into (ACB.TO) and (WEED.TO) a week ago and would like to learn a bit more about the potential of R.O.I that you can see here. I would greatly appreciate if you replied as I would like a little help navigating these waters.

    Thank you!

  8. Hey Phil, how do you calculate the value of the company vs the current price? (Or in other words, is there a set method for figuring out 'what's a good deal,' or do you just have to get yours hands dirty and do some research?

  9. If you look at the 2008 great recession or the 2000 dot com bubble, hardly anyone was predicting these devastating events would take place. Not the same with the so called impeding recession.

  10. There are ways to kind of time the big crashes. Doesn't mean it always works, but historically would have been smart. Sell after the yield curve inverts. Or sell when the SP500 falls below it's 200 day moving average and so on.

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