A video about the biggest ICO in history, IOTA.
Is this the Bitcoin killer? What is the tangle technology? What is the potential for IOTA? Everything explained!
IOTA is launching June 13th on Bitfinex and I see an incredible future for it.


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  1. Had you invested 1000$ 4 Months ago (0.3$) and sell now (4,24$), you would have had 13k$ plus. Wish I had heard of it earlier. But still i think i will invest. Like the Guy in the Video says (said),, IOTA is the next Thing" Also it is in the 4th best Crypto…So, we'll see

  2. Hello guys first coin among altcoins is rocking right now, value of coin rose 5 times in 9 months and is very economical for all kind of investments plan & plus u get reward & bonuses on your investments it's a shared community so join in to rock As a good will gesture I will sponsor from my undermentioned link, don't miss be a part of another success story & give a readhttps://FIRSTCOIN.CLUB/AFFILIATE/183489

  3. IOTA . Internet Of Things. Like the little things they'll implant in your child's brain at birth. Instant communication with the STATE. And if the child misbehaves or underperforms, ZAP ! One less 'social problem' and 60 pounds of meat to McDonalds.

  4. It is very bad video with a lot of error. one of big error
    * in bitcoin blockchain node verify not mainers
    * protected transition phase is is not describe honestly. check " computers coordinator part" is not open source .
    * here is MIT rapport about IOTA system
    " We found that IOTA’s custom hash function Curl is vulnerable to a well-known technique for breaking hash functions called differential cryptanalysis, which we then used to generate practical collisions. We used our technique to produce two payments in IOTA (they call them “bundles”) which are different, but hash to the same value, and thus have the same signature. Using our techniques, a bad actor could have destroyed users’ funds, or possibly, stolen user funds "

  5. You can't go by market cap pre-platform….

    That's like saying game company x made the best game ever (that's not out) because they have $10 million or whatever in pre-orders….

    Also, still not sold on how it can not be altered/cheated if you only have one or two neighbors to verify. Essentially what I am understanding is that each node will have set(?) neighbors and that they will store their data and that of their neighbors from the chain? Also, that supply is over 2 and 3/4 Quadrillion….. Ethereum doesn't even have a market cap of over 100 million…. BTC has cap of 21 million….

    Also, bitcoin and many other cryptos have already and will be making the switch to Proof of stake which will sideline most miners. Another thing you mention about how a corrupt block can be slipped into conventional PoW systems like bitcoin is relatively inaccurate. It would also be the same as you say for Iota in a sense…

    At any rate, thanks for the info/content and will be staying from the hype train for now.

  6. Hey' thanks for your video! If do you can, answer me plz, what sites you use for searching, that tipe of information about iota, I think in create a canal whit that tipe information in Brazil, 😉 tks!!

  7. Can someone please explain to me who owns all IOTAs? since all volume is generated in the start it's confusing. With blockchain I know miners are those who generate new coins, but here all coins are already made, so who owns them?

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