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We are experiencing an internet that is in need of an upgrade.
The internet is an amazing and very important development that levels the field for information availability. Suddenly you can learn about anything you want with the click of a button. But over the years the amount of people who use the internet, the way that we access the internet and the things we demand from the internet has changed.
The rate of users is multiplying due to smart phones becoming more affordable, especially for those in developing countries, and the amount of data being demanded by the users in developed countries is skyrocketing. We are demanding more and more expensive bandwidth, think youtube, netflix, hulu and all of the video streaming we now expect to have at our fingertips.
Providing this bandwidth is nearing the point of no longer being profitable.
The problem with the centralized internet that we have now, is that there is a single point of power, and a single point of failure. Our information highway is not resistant to crashes or censorship. The way that our computers retrieve information now is reliant on the server that is maintaining the information you want. Your computer or smart phone has to interact with that particular server, even if it’s location is very far from you. This can and does result in slow downloading times or a failure to download altogether, and also is costly when considering bandwidth for heavy traffic sites. Not to mention the fact that if a server is removed or under maintenance the information that you want or need will not be available to you.
There’s a man named Juan Benet who has developed a new way for the internet to work. It’s decentralized, efficient and trustless.Keep your eyes and ears open for a thing called Interplanetary File System, or IPFS. It’s a new way to store information and a new way for you to access that information.
An easy way to begin to understand the basics of IPFS is by looking at how BitTorrent works. Each user that downloads a file helps perpetuate that file to other users looking to download it. IPFS allows users who run a node to work together to send and receive information with each other.
Instead of having to go through a far away, central server, you can get a file quickly, nearly instantly from the closest node that has what you need. Imagine downloading a file onto your computer and then being able to send it instantly to your phone. This is an example of what IPFS can do for you.
In addition to improving how files are shared through decentralization, IPFS will also bring permanence to the internet by ensuring that the files you want won’t be removed if a central server goes down.
In order to incentivize data storage on the IPFS network, they will add a “blockchain-based currency layer called Filecoin”.The implementation of Filecoin will incentivize nodes to use the IPFS network. This is done through Filecoin’s “Proof-of-retrievability” which requires nodes to prove they store a particular file, this incentivizes the nodes to store as much of the network’s data as they can in return for a payment of filecoin.
om of expression and creative perpetuity.”
Looking forward, video streaming centered companies, Netflix in particular, is searching for a better way to provide their customers with what they want but without the rising cost of the bandwidth needed thanks to today’s internet protocols. IPFS can provide just that.
What happen to that project
I’ve been working with it for a little bit now. You did a great job with this.
PS @crypto tips you "level the playing field."
Lady, you're amazing ; )
Hi, is there any ICO coming from IPFS? I cant find any information about
Can you do a vid on Iconomi ? Public launch is soon. I would recommend
What top 3 guys/girls/sources would you consider to be the most prominent authority on cryptocurr.?
Wow…thx so much for making these videos. Im a newbie and so many unbearable douchebags making videos…yours are all succinct and well informed …nicely done!
Keep it up
No BitShares account yet?
Good topic to cover. IPFS I think is one of the most important projects out there.
Is the blockchain like Linux in 1996 or more like an iOS? Some say that crypto's are the new world order. Ha! I've been buying Crypto's and it's fun and I'm making some sweet digital cash. Am I living in an imaginary world with imaginary cash? It will be interesting to see how all this plays out Heidi.
Shift coin is getting ready to launch ipsf + dapp on their test net but they use delegates not node . Phantom is coming soon .
The revolution will be decentralized!!
That's pretty cool. Man, the future looks awesome!
After longtime
Content Delivery Services like Cloudflare do some sort of things like IPFS, except that its not decentralized.
This is not "new internet", this is just file storage..
– How exactly, will I use IPFS, if I don't have a service provider, routing my trafic out of my house, and towards the storage of those files?
Those cables, under my house, someone actually decides whether I can use them or not. And the same goes with my phone connection. If I don't pay a provider, to use their network. How exactly, will I be able to move around this "new internet"?
I dont want to hate, but your microphone is in need of an upgrade
( If you are using one, pls upgrade it, or if not add one
Juan Benet is a heartthrob. Everything being done at Protocol Labs is amazing.
Ceptr is building something that may include the IPFS system, but currently made for lightweight hosting of apps and personal data:
I really like your channel but your views on how modern services are delivered over the internet are o early simplified and incorrect.
Redundancy and localisation provided by data centres already solve the issues you mention.
Saying that, I have gotten some great information fro. Your channel.
I just feel that in this space there is an understandable knowledge gap between investors who are coming from an Comp Science related field and those who are not.
you are so amazing thanks for giving this knowledge I have no words to praise u.
hmm thats what CDN services are for and have been doing fine for even the largest sites.
thank you for the video
Isn't maidsafe already a decentralized version of the internet?
BTW, move your scrip to the right. Seeing your eyes looking at us is a big deal:)
Sounds cool, How is it it better than wiki. Is there a white paper for IPFS?
you filthy little smokeshow you <3
another day, another crypto scam