Hi Crypto Mates! Topic: Is China lifting the ban on Crypto Exchanges? NEO NEWS CRYPTO NEWS NEO INFO. Today we explore China and Cryptocurrency exchange. There has been some recent news about this so let’s check out what is true and what isn’t. Find me on twitter guys: @brad_laurie
Also guys, I have included some great links to an interview by Crypto Lola. She has a great channel and she has started connecting with NEO team members, which is great!
Here are the links:
1) https://cointelegraph.com/news/chinese-might-be-able-to-trade-bitcoin-again-soon
2) https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2017/10/29/bitcoin-prices-above-6000-on-hopes-china-will-lift-ban/#208435627369
3) https://www.zb.com/
4) http://www.jinse.com/news/bitcoin/85870.html
5) https://wallstreetcn.com/search?q=%E6%AF%94%E7%89%B9%E5%B8%81&tab=live
6) https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/interview-cryptocurrency-exchange-binance-bought-back-and-burned-1-5-million-worth-tokens-announces-profits/
A 2 letter .com like zb.com would probably cost around $120,000-$150,000 just for the domain name alone. That'd be a big bet to make and develop out without be sure.
Hello Brad, thanx for your video greetz from the Netherlands
Can someone PLEASE tell me why I can put Neo app on my Ledger nano but when I try to open it just says "wake up neo"? Is the wallet working or not?
Vietnam ban; I've read the news from Vietnam, in Vietnamese, as well as have many local friends there, the full on ban is real. I read the news in English that really watered it down and left out a vital important piece of info is that anyone caught using crypto currency will be fined, 7500 to 11,000 usd. Everyone there is dumping or hiding. The ban starts in January, 2018, so it isn't an immediate ban, but the banks and the government are already causing havoc to those they find involved in it.
Not sure if you've seen this. Know you'll dig it: https://youtu.be/J8Cndouqmko
had to instantly like the video cause 13:37
Phew!! I thought Zlatan had gained weight!
…OK, now that I'm here I'll listen.
Rumour has it that China may be buying up BitcoinCash
china never banned exchanging crypto, they only banned CNY to crypto and crypto to CNY… exchanges trading btc to alts for example have always been in the works over the last 2 months since they fiat to crypto exchanges had to close… the news around is really bullshit and people dont knw wtf is going on in china… EXCHANGES were never banned in china~ only fiat to crypto was banned, and those exchanges had to shut down.
ZB.com is up and running.. very interesting
like we say in the bay (silicon valley), I fucks with your content my nigggg
keep it up
Very informative video Brad. Thank You!
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Neo this December ???
Thanks for all you do!
Thank you Brad, as ever I really appreciate your time and knowledge.
keep up the vids man, you are actually helping me out a shit ton with your vids, only got into cryptos 3 weeks ago and trying to learn as quick as possible
Love NEO!!!! Brad, do you see $30+ NEO prices before the B2X fork? And how high will the NEO price be after the fork late november and december?
Top stuff again.
Love your vids Brad, cheers mate.
Legend. Where u from in oz!? Let's catch up for a coffee! =)
Your videos are long only because there are full of great info great work
lark and spark team up maybe you and beau make a great duo ?
During this bitcoin ride is where i pile up my Neo and Omisego.Thanks for your awesome video Brad. Love my fellow Aussies being in the crypto.