I’ve Learned Something Important Things… YouTube, BCH & LTC

– Twitter: https://twitter.com/Crypto_Daily
– Instagram: @crypto_daily

Blockchain Influencer Reference: https://bit.ly/2QQpKBx

Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin



  1. maybe a bit late, but you asked what sort of content you could make for your second Youtube channel. I would stay away from being too political, as it tends to alienate a portion of you audience and there are already enough channels that talk about politics. Rather, I'd like to see you give updates about new technologies outside of the crypto space and in the comical way that you are able to do. It could be quite funny and somewhat informative. Anyway, hope this helps.

  2. Acting. Your next channel should be pure improv acting sketches, mixed with your excellent film edit memeing, with interaction from subs/commenters to determine the 'theme' or context of the sketch based on up votes…

  3. Hey great channel man, stumbled upon it few days ago and already watched bunch of videos, love it! Regarding the second channel I think you are great at comedy and commenting stuff, news? Something like that?

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