? I super appreciate all your likes and comments guys.
? My recommended exchange is CoinBase – Register using this code and we can both get $10!: http://bit.ly/2hZh8bg
? Recommended wallet is the Ledger Nano S: http://bit.ly/2xeymFX
☄️ Time-stamps!
11:08 SegWit Accounts for 5% of Transactions
11:52 Paragon ICO Red Flags
13:40 Enable 2FA!
14:30 Top 10 Crypto YouTubers
14:42 Market Update
16:20 Japense Exchange Surveilance
16:56 No Vid Yesterday!?
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⭐ Links!
◆ Jamie Interviews: http://cnb.cx/2xtlldd / http://for.tn/2jXK0Su
◆ Bit Licence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitLicense
◆ SegWit Transactions: http://segwit.party/charts/#
◆ Paragon ICO Red Flags: http://bit.ly/2xBduKK
◆ Always Enable 2FA: http://bit.ly/2xrEVaD
? Top 10 Crypto YouTubers!: http://bit.ly/2hqVFYU
? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle.



  1. The main thing that bothers me with Bitcoin and all the other crypto-currencies is that the governments wont stand for people making money and not paying tax on it. The most powerful people in the world will not let the power go from them. They will force the governments to regulate it in their favour, not ours. The richest people and the banks have enough money to just buy up all the coins and keep them out of circulation and starving off any holders of coins. It's a massively rigged game. I'm here to play it for the time being, but I don't think we will ever be allowed to win.

  2. so this illuminati dick weeb is saying the government will lock it down ? wtf ahhhmmmm attention numb skull crypto dont need government, if the goverment turns the internet off then yes but……

  3. In Germany profits from trading cryptocurrencies are taxed at 25% if you don't HODL for more than 365 days and gain more than 801€. This taxation is in practice for a couple of years already when it comes to bitcoin and it was nothing special by the way. Any profit made from speculation whether you trade BTC, precious metals or any other commodity, stock or currency is taxed equally. My question to the community is how do you think the "first in first out" rule applies to the crypto space? If you move from $ to BTC then to cryto A,B,C… an finally back to fiat, is that last step back to fiat considered as the "out" move or is every change in between a "out". Let's assume that the tax-man has the all-seeing eye and can effectively follow your each and every move and your not bullshitting, mixing and what not. Opinions?

  4. good job .. lotta truth. there's another possibility. the government can do to BTC what they did to gold – suppress the price through the Futures Market via naked short selling.

  5. There will be no non-Government controlled currency!! Uh, what about Gold, Silver + Diamonds Jamie, they've been used as currencies for millenia? Bitcoin has no inherent value (Schiff, Dimon, et al) – a vendor in a 3rd world country can be paid directly for goods without using a plethora of 3rd parties who will slow down the process and reduce his profit – there's absolutely clear value in that disintermediation for both parties (search Bitcoin + Metcalfe's Law for proof). The government bans Exchanges – will just accelerate the adoption of BTC by countries who want to shake off the shackle of USD hegemony – they're easy to find.

  6. A) Two chances of ANY gov. "banning" BTC; slim, and none …

    B) Jamie Dimon is a criminal bankster, gangster, war-monger, drug dealer, murderer, pedophile by proxy as head of one of the biggest cabal money laundering ops on the planet… who should be in jail.

    C) Dimon did not speak and cause the BTC value to melt like snow. It's that big industrial banking/finance money has quietly been injected into the market over the summer, and was suddenly sold off, minutes after this mobster spoke, and timed just before the DJIA opened. All for appearance. Silver and gold also got slammed big time.

  7. The day I came across to the cryptos I understood it was made to open up a new way to keep your value to yourself. And people are still confusing it just to make money. And they again keep the money to the bank. It seems a ponzi scheme to me now. I take cryptos for my services now. I develop games for my clients and take cryptos as a method of payment. I'll implement that to my e-commerce as well. More and more people should try to use it as a main form of transacting value. Its value is backed by huge network security not by guns.

  8. bitcoin doesn't need to be a payment currency to be of value. It is good enough as a store of value, that is totally within our control, an international store of value beyond 3rd party control. with current national debts most countries currencies will collapse in the future due to inflation, it is almost certain and people will need a place to run to.

  9. Deep dives analysis ! ?? – note: 4:40 Russia is drafting a law on the regulation of crypto trading and should be ready during October 2017 as reported by TASS; an effort spent by the ministry of finance and the central bank along with a committee of financial market players, are contributing in this development.

    Cheers !

  10. This is a monetary revolution. He's right, the governments won't relinquish their control over the money supply. It must be taken from them. Prepare yourselves comrades, it has only just begun.

    As a side note, wtf happens when the dollar dies and people flee from fiat? Are they going to ban gold too? Gold can be used exactly like we use bitcoin, only it exists in the physical. If they take issue with bitcoin because its money outside of the government then by the same logic gold should also be banned.

  11. The powerfull Bitcoin enemies, who can print Dollars will infiltrate the Bitcoin community , place their people in top positions, buy the best programmers and devellope the Bitcoin code in their interest. First step is done , Blockstream and Greg Maxwell & Co are in place

  12. you are definitely good at what you do here on this channel, but please dont think for a moment that the people elected (at the national level) are the ones running the (your) country. We all know who the economic hitmen are… Keep up the good work!

  13. Wow, just WOW, you name your video top 10 crypto youtubers and you dont even mention me. FUCK YOU, I dont need you. At least I can run for 10 minutes without getting winded. I did that today while listening to a podcast about language.

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