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Day trading chat

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  1. He studied the market before he made his first ever trade. Which American Kid (with their chronic short attention span) will do that. Even now he studies the market. Visit his other interviews.
    He insists on psychological factors: over confidence, not listening to chat room rumours, being aware of his own state of mind and the state of the market. His body type is what Shakespeare will
    the lean, brooding, plotting type. Aldous Huxley would classify him as a cerebrotonic. Even in the high-school investment competition he was drawn to an analytical method.

  2. Very cool and humble, makes me feel like a moron as I can't seem to get my wheels going after 1 fulltime year (tons of research and review) with loads of small losses. I'm experiencing death by a thousand cuts.

  3. great video much appreciated. out of All the traders i follow and read about i trust greggs opinions and ideas the most. i can't find any info on this guy. is there anyway to follow him? or does he have a site i can go to? heard hes a hedge fund manager now? maybe I'm wrong?

  4. he made 2700% in his first year of trading and he said he wasn't special and it was just the market. he is the most humble trader i have heard. even if it was just the market anyone would be bragging about making 2700% on their account in just a year of trading.

  5. This is coming from the bottom of my heart, i'm so so…SO glad i found you guys, i'm totally new to stock trading and day trading in general, i felt alone, and totally lost I have dreams, ie, letting my parents go on cruises, travelling the world, quitting my 7am 4pm job, but i felt lost, i had no where to turn, no mentor "can't afford one" but i found you guys, sat down and REALLY pay attention to what you guys are saying, i have learned just a little bit more from this video and looking foward to learning, and where you guys take me, i'm not looking to get rich just financially free from my job, and start on the path to a more freedom, the 7am 4pm is taking it's toll, but i know i am worth so much more.

  6. This interview is a turning point for me. Im going to watch this video over and over. The insight that comes from listening to whats going on here, is priceless. I love the attitude, the humbleness, and the over sense of direction this guy has on trading. Very Intuitive. And we have the same name.

  7. I really need a Porsche. I really need a docklands warehouse. I really need a Ducati. I really need investment properties around the world. I really need a harem of models. I really need a couple of country mansions.

    When I have those  things, then I will be happy. Maybe, just maybe, then I would consider helping others.

  8. I really like Gregg's mindset. He truly knows the meaning of wealth. Wealth without purpose is meaningless and worthless. Would love to know how to get more knowledge from him. Awesome interview!


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