The third monthly update.
It’s been a weird month which was pretty bumpy. 2 crashes of more than 30% happened and other remarkable things happened .


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Bitcoin: 3ENm2XRVACaaEEwRqMZNYt9Zf1K1yWicUX
Ethereum (& ERC 20 tokens): 0x8cb2838f3F5e43FCCeEF696D3570D3762968F118
Ripple: rDsbeomae4FXwgQTJp9Rs64Qg9vDiTCdBv
Litecoin: MB9Z1bZHf72qNa3439nDoEcdHdUWMAshbq
Dash: XrucvJa2F3GLfqn3h8MQPww16i9rHN5Lae
NEO: APPViiDBuQn8NcKqgzX31jQ2ySaP2kW47L



  1. Hi man! Thanks for the valuable info! Really appreciated. I am sure someone has asked before but I couldn't find – which cryptocurrency exchange are you using to buy/sell altcoins? Thanks! 🙂

  2. I read an article today that said bitcoin hasn't quite reached its "Mania" phase. It went on to say that we are still in the early adopter phase and that the masses are not involved in this technology yet. I believe we a in a huge bubble and if you look at the all time charts for BTC you will see that we a in a hyperbolic growth phase and the whole market is headed for a cool off… When that happens? Only the major bag holders will be able to know that….

  3. i really like your monthly updates. Could you think about making a Video about how gou through the process of picking new coins. i mean from finding a new coin to which criteria it has to have for you to buy

  4. NEM is still a great value. A lot of weak hands leaving the market this month. Glad you are planning to HODL as well. Great future for NEM. July update for NEM will include lowering fees down to .15 nem for most transfers, that is point15, much lower.

  5. What do you think about lending coins to margin traders in Poloniex ? I've been lending for a few weeks now and although it does not get near your crazy gains, I think it's a good option if you're not planning to sell your coins(this month I expect to earn 4% on bitcoin lending since the interests are somewhat high). I'm using this bot to manage my loans, if you're interested please make sure to use my referral link: . thanks again for the great videos.

  6. Hi – Another Great Video as always, thank you. I think it was only natural to have a flat month after such massive gains in your first two months. I would like to ask a question about something i have been struggling with. Do you remove your coins from the Exchanges and transfer to personal wallets for safe keeping or do you leave them there for ease of trading/selling ? I have move some back and forth and the fees can quickly eat into the small gains made. I am starting off small like you and investing initially only about $3500 usd (currently worth $5500) across 6 or so coins on about 5 Exchanges. So I have left some on Exchanges and some in wallets. Thank mate, keep up the great work. We believe in you. :p

  7. I love your videos, a lot great information. Another cryptocurrency that you never talk about it is Gamecredits, they doing something different, they want provide more $ to developers (from 70% to 90% , and give great discount to customers in game-purchases, they targeting a 50-100 billion industry, few months ago they were at .20 cents, now it cost 4.50-5.00. They are about to release the store in a week or two with 300 games (This will blow the price), and by the end of the year this store will contain 1000s games. They have a great team of developers and advertising will start soon with stars and T.V commercial in asia, according to their CEO.

  8. I'm sure you'll make a big profit next month :). I've learnt a lot from your vids hehe. However one thing that worries me is that there has been quite some media coverage on ether this month in korea and a LOT of korean speculators have jumped onto ethereum making korea take up about 30% of the total ether volume. This and the current ico craze makes me worry about a bubble :(. Can you share your thoughts and opinions on this? Thx

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