Hey Crypto mates, topic: PART 1: Neo Crypto News Onchain Ontology Trust Network Neo Let’s talk the connections. Wanna better understand $ONT, @OntologyNetwork then follow me, or the network. There is a big launch happening today. This is very exciting for NEO.
Follow me on Twitter @brad_laurie for some seriously fast updates on the Neoverse!

? My recommended exchange is Coinspot (for Aussie’s):
? Recommended wallet – Ledger Nano S: http://bit.ly/2xeymFX
More of my YouTubes:
◆ NEO: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=egVyJC…
◆ CARDANO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXyss…
◆ AION: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=I3KET8…
◆ INTEROPERABLE BLOCKCHAINS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhId4…
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Ontology Network AMA Answers from NEO






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  1. Brad! Appreciate the videos! Stocking up on more NEO on this massive dip?

    Do you mind (if you have the time) doing a comparison of NEO to other smart contract platforms (I.e. EOS, ETH, ICON, Cardano, etc) I’m so heavily weighted in NEO and just was looking for your take on pros and cons comparison! Thanks from America

  2. Brad! Could you please please make an small series of explaining Neo in layman's terms? I am sure a lot of people would be really interested! I see so many Neo communities, you should be a part of the basics of learning Neo for everybody!

  3. Seriously Brad …you should be made a NEO Council member with the amount of research you do for us NEO holders !!!! You are fast becoming a LEGEND in the NEOverse. All hail Professor Brad Laurie … Cheers Brad

  4. Brad, TommyWorldPower released a new YouTube video " Top 15 Cryptocurrencies for December 2017 " where he say's he believes GAS will be more valuable than NEO, thought's on this, please. His top investment for financial gain is GAS, Tommy is a very bright guy, again I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter.

  5. you are literally the most well researched, honest and unbiased source for indepth information out there! keep up the great work and your channel will blow up right with the crypto space! could you please make a video on how the token distribution will take place? will there be an ico? if so when? (in case you can get information about it because i couldnt)

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