hey Crypto Mates, Topic: Today NEO News – NEO Crypto News – NEO News Today – New Neo Projects. Subscribe Today! We are talking about the best news and information available on the web! We are even gonna talk about New dAPPS coming like….. well take a look!
Cheers guys!
? My recommended exchange is Coinspot (for Aussie’s):
? Recommended wallet – Ledger Nano S: http://bit.ly/2xeymFX
More of my YouTubes:
◆ NEO: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=egVyJC…
◆ CARDANO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXyss…
◆ AION: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=I3KET8…
◆ INTEROPERABLE BLOCKCHAINS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhId4…
⚡ On donations, guys, don’t send any please. I am doing this to be part of the community! But if you would like to support me, please consider sharing this vid or leaving a comment. Be a Crypto share bear means you care! Thank you!
⭐ Links!
◆Here are some things you should know if you are new to NEO! self

Here are some things you should know if you are new to NEO! from NEO



◆Crypto and A Cold One | Raiden Network and THEKEY on NEO | Massive Gains Here!

◆”Blockchain +” a new era of identification – THEKEY launched a network identification revolution

◆another THEKEY AMA on Bitcointalk at 10pm 16th Nov (Thursday) Beijing Time (10am EST, 3pm GMT)

another THEKEY AMA on Bitcointalk at 10pm 16th Nov (Thursday) Beijing Time (10am EST, 3pm GMT) from NEO

◆neo gold crap


◆ Peer Atlas

◆ The NEO Ecosystem (featuring Neo Council, Qlink, TheKey)

The NEO Ecosystem (featuring Neo Council, Qlink, DeepBrain, Zeepin)

Thursday, Dec 7, 2017, 6:30 PM

ERC Institute
30 Prinsep Street, Level 8, Singapore 188647 Singapore, SG

186 Members Went

What is NEO? China’s first open-source blockchain, and a powerful smart-asset platform. NEO is a non-profit community-based blockchain project that utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets, to automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts, and to realize a “smart economy” with a distributed network. N…

Check out this Meetup →


◆Awesome post by ByteSizeCapital


◆ NEO JOY Translation of Peter Lin

Translation of key points needed for the English speaking community from Nov 12 NEO JOY from NEO

◆NEO Scan

◆ Singapore News on meetup

◆China blockchain article

◆ QLINK meetup with NEO in Seoul

◆ Slack for Neo! Join us!

◆ NEO Reddit

◆ AI DeepBrain link

◆ AI Blockchain project

Research Tools

Thanks soooo freakin’ much for listening and commenting, Cheers,




  1. In “Blockchains in Fintech” event in Shanghai on 21 November will attend Rong Chen. He is SDE at Microsoft. http://www.swissnexchina.org/en/event/future-of-moneyseries-coming-to-china/
    Rong Chen is also founder of Elastos foundation ( http://www.elastos.org/index-en.html ). Here is more info with what Elastos is busy: https://www.slideshare.net/RongChen34/iotblockchain-decentralized-apps
    All that makes me think about big project between Microsoft and Neo.

  2. Many thanks for your informative videos! Your videos are always very informative and refreshing to view, compared to the normal pump and schil videos that are so common in this space. IMO NEO is incredibly under valued and is lined up for a brilliant 2018. NEO is the Future

  3. Very well! The developments concerning ICOs, dApps and conferences going on atm is amazing – the project is very alive and growing! Thanks for covering Brad!

  4. My question really is when NEO going to wake up? It is stuck for couple of months now in 30 zone… I personally believe and HODL NEO, but didnt see any movement for a long time…

  5. Hi Brad … I just SMASHED that subscribe button !!! You have improved so much since your early efforts. Thanks for sticking at it mate. I really appreciate the time & effort you put in to keep us informed. You & Beau are doing us Aussies proud. Cheers from Brisbane.

  6. Hi Brad,
    Thanks a lot for your videos! I am actually watching them on a daily basis, as soon as you publish them.
    Though that the minimum I could do is definitely to thank you for such research, but also for the well prepared and presented videos!
    Thanks, take care!

  7. Nobody plays with NEO when Brad is on the Mic ;)… Great Video, great support for the crypto beer dude …. love all that love…
    GUYS Brad deserve much better views and followers…

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