Crypto Neo News & NEO Research – Elastos OS: Making BIG Connections. Part 2.1 VID 1: Looking at Elastos and NEO in ENTERPRISE and BUSINESS! (4 vid series) Follow me on Twitter @brad_laurie for some seriously fast updates on the Neoverse! Cheers, BlockchainBrad.
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Also to the cloud, NEO, star jointly held a meeting
Thanks very much,
really appreciate that you watched this vid,
Don’t forget Twitter!
Hey Brad, just wondering if you are still bullish on ELASTOS project?
whats the connection between neo elastos and stellar? are they all in cahoots? elastellarneo?!?!?!?!
Good presentation. Well researched!
You are the smartest, best most resourceful and investigative crypto analyst!! Thank you for providing us with this incredible information!! You are much appreciated
One of the few youtubers i actually trust! great work as usual, can u shill a couple of other youtubers/people on twitter that are as credible as yourself? keep up the great work: )
2018 – NEO, ELASTOS, ONTOLOGY, GAS…. thank you
So how does High Powered Blockchain (HPB) now fit into all of this?
Dear BlockchainBrad, I have been on crypto for 18 months trying to understand technology and learn as much as possible, this 2 videos about Elastos are just amaizing!. Now I can see the big picture around NEO and their ecosystem which is incredible. I was a Neo fan, but now I´m going to move forward and invest in all the companies, including XLM…… thank you for your time and effort!. Alex ( Spain)
thanky you so much for this great information!
Thank you for sharing!
Don't forget to Like & Subscribe PPL!!! Awsum FREE INFO…Lover Your Work Brad
incredibly informative, up there in my top 3 subscribers.
Thanks very much!
great no others words.maybe a price prediction ?
Thank you for the share. I may need to replay it to better understanding the connection with stellar. Do you have any schema to illustrate the flow berween neo, stellar, and elastos?
Thanks for the great content BRAD! if elastos protocol is successful will this mean that substratum will be redundant???
Missed this ICO but my god, it's promising and your presentation/thoroughness is outstanding – amazing teacher thanks so much
Thanks again for your research!
What can i say Brad. Really insightful and thorough research. A huge THANK YOU!. Having been an early investor since the Antshare days i knew i was onto something special, but not until i have discovered your channel , do i realized just how unbelievable this project is going to be. I literally got goosebumps watching this content. Cant thank you enough for all your hard work. Please keep it up. I am a massive fan.
Really impressive work. You are super educated in this field thank you so much for sharing your research with us.
Just found your vids — thanks for the content.
thx for doing this ,you are awesome too
You Sir are doing a hell of a job. I'm really into researching projects myself, but you are digging so deep. Amazing. Thank you for your work!!!
Here's a step by step guide to setting up a wallet and buying Neo:
Outstanding. Thanks heaps mate!
Amazing research mate! Can't wait to watch part 2
Brad, youre an invaluable resource to the NEO community. Thanks for doing this detailed research. Cant wait for you to interview Da Hongfei if it ends up happening.
Thanks for the video series! great research!
Great video!
Blockchain Brad! you are our savior, so much FUD going on in reddit. you bring clarity to the space. neo/ont symbiosis!
Brad, you're the best source of Neo Info on youtube! Hope people recognize this.
you tweeted that many Dapps will be moving from ETH to NEO. do you have any link or list?
Brad, new to your channel. I really enjoyed the explanation. Not many people focus on the research teams and how the coin interacts with its community. Looking forward to more.
you are by far the best analyst for NEO and its ecosystem…appreciate the research, keep it up!
Wow! What a chart! Thanks Brad for doing this!! I know I’m the NEO fud guy haha but isn’t there concern here that connections with someone like Jihan Wu will cast doubt on the true intentions of NEO’s partnership? We have people here who only care about the bottom dollar and will do anything for profit. I thought the idea of blockchain was to have a system of governance in play that balanced out the good of the whole with the profit mechanism…would love to talk more!
Keep up the great work!
Thank you for all your hard work and your passion for this disruptive tech.
Awesome work mate. Somehow keeps getting better!
Brad your videos are always awesome I was wondering which of the upcoming Ico you personally would be investing in
love ur vids and love NEO!
Awesome video! Thanks for sharing all your research.
Nice1 Brad..
Great Video als Allways!
Thanks for in depth knowledge about and around NEO blockchain.
The best Neo content on the internet!!!!!!!!! I'm all in on NEO, I believe!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Brad! Best NEO news there is
I love your well-researched videos. So much better than the empty ra-ra videos of others on YouTube about Blockchain. Please keep it up. Question: I’ve been an early HODLer of Factom and NEO, but I didn’t know the two had a connection. I saw in your diagram they were connected. What’s the connection?