The SEC rejected 9 ETFs from 3 companies: ProShares, Direxion and GraniteShares. These were expected to be rejected, but still the market went down the hours before the news (insider info?).
Do we actually need an ETF? Isn’t that against the values of cryptocurrencies? A lot of people think so, but I don’t…

The VanEck & SolidX ETF to be listed in CBOE is the one everyone is looking at.

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  1. Nice work. Having physically backed ETF's locks up the supply thus creating greater scarcity and driving up the price. The other models although usefully opening up the market are inflationary. Hoping for a February ETF but erring on the side of an extended Bear.

  2. Etf heb je niks aan , adoptie dat moeten we hebben , etf is alleen maar goed voor de overheid en banken, en dan kunnen ze nog meer manipuleren als het nog niet gereguleerd is. Btw die stijging van gister is ook manipulatie geweest man??

  3. Sorry Quentin. It sounds like you're interested in making more fiat. Bitcoin was developed to be an alternative money/value system. It's supposed to replace fiat, not work along side it. You think BTC needs an ETF to be accepted by the "bankers"? How ironic!!

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