Today BlockchainBrad catchups up with Jeff Cao, CEO of PCHAIN for an EXCLUSIVE UPDATE. PChain is all about building a first class Blockchain Platform and ecosystem. It is the first native multichain system in the world that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which consists of one main chain and multiple child chains. The platform is laser focused on building blockchain systems that meet the needs of users, developers & adopters’ technological needs worldwide.

This was 100% free and I received no financial compensation for doing this video; not in fiat, tokens or any form on payment. Since several months ago, I decided to do only free content unless legitimate ambassadorships were involved. I believe that sponsored content is not a problem if disclosed, but I this was NOT sponsored and there was absolutely no compensation received in any way, shape or form for this interview.
INVESTMENT DISCLOSURE: I invested in this company many month ago because I liked it.
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#Pchain #PAI #PchainUpdate $PAI #multichain #childchain #smartdata



  1. I am most impressed with PCHAIN Scalability design and Multi-chain capabilities. I also like their patents.. Building developer base from Universities. Without reading the Whitepaper don't understand the tokenization model. The answer to your question on self-sustaining development model ..let me scratch my head.
    Will review with patents is a degree of licensing .. Also how could they be totally nonprofit..if their services are tokenized? Maybe you can explain?

  2. all you do is talk about shitcoins nobody will use, they don't have value. Have fun supporting sex offender chico and holding those elastos shit together, down over 50% from ico.

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