In an exclusive, Dr Jeff Feng Cao, CEO of PCHAIN, speaks with BlockchainBrad for an update. PChain is a native multichain system with EVM support. It is built to make large scale blockchain applications possible. The PCHAIN mainnet was launched on 30 Mar 2019 and the team has been focussed on working with the private sector, building private chains, business and working with significant enterprise parties. Enjoy this FREE update!
Dr Feng Cao
the Founder of PCHAIN. He is the Chief Scientist of China Federation of Logistic and Purchasing Blockchain Association. The first international patent inventor of blockchain in China and the co-founder of ChinaLedger. He has led the team to complete the first blockchain assets usufruct transfer deal. Dr Feng Cao was the former head of IBM next-generation human-machine war project in China. At that time, he was also the IBM chief scientist of Internet finance in China、head of IBM basic science research in China and the Co-chairman of the Patent Review Board.
1) PCHAIN is the first native multichain system in the world that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which consists of one main chain and multiple derived chains.
2) The patented PDBFT algorithm greatly reduced communication cost from N^2 to N comparing with traditional BFT algorithm. It can effectively reduce the centralization problem as the number of nodes is limited.
3) Smart Data is a new initiative of PCHAIN, which is new oracle mechanism to void the knowledge limitation in smart contract. And the smart contracts of PCHAIN can be easily invoked with other nonnative Tokens (BCH, ERC20) by using the provided toolkit.with original PDBFT algorithm, unified knowledge graph and smart data Oracle mechanism. PCHAIN is committed to support non-native Token smart contract calls and solve problems like improving blockchain performance, smart contracts loop not closed, rely on external data. It will make large-scale industrial applications of blockchain smart contracts possible.
4) Dynamic Bidding and Safe Delegation enable the validator election more fair and secured in epoch switch
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This interview was entirely, 100% FREE for the People! In every way, there were no tokens, no under the table deals. I believe that sponsored content is not a problem if disclosed openly to the community. This is not Financial Advice. Please #DYOR
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will add soon! (just doing all this on my own, so I will add them as soon as I can). Feel free to drop some in the comments and I will add them!
I invested in Pchain. This is not Financial Advice. #DYOR always.
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#PChain #Blockchain #Scalability #Brad_Laurie #JeffCao



  1. 100% Free Interview Update with Jeff Cao, CEO of PChain. We talked about all that PChain has been doing since they initiated their Mainnet. I sincerely hope this interview helps you in some way, thanks for coming to the channel! Drop a comment, sub or like if you like the content. Thanks again, Brad.

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