If you’ve been researching investing, chances are you’ve heard of controversial “penny stocks”. I’m here to help you decide if penny stocks, defined as stocks traded for less than $5 a share and not sold on the major market exchanges, are a good investment. http://bit.ly/2FnksVj

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  1. I was actually thinking of starting to short penny stocks for a profit. Borrow them from a broker, wait for the price to go down, sell them, and return them to the broker, then enjoy the profit. Thank you for pointing out that it's not so easy to sell penny stocks to the point that you'll be left without buyers while the value of these stocks drops little by little.

  2. It's worth noting that between pay-to-play newswire outlets, paid newsletters, message boards, chat rooms, barely regulated offshore brokers offering naked short sale contracts and a host of well dressed executive charlatans enriching themselves with salary options, there is rampant manipulation in the micro-cap equity markets. While I applaud entrepreneurs and those who would fund their companies by purchasing stock, anyone thinking of investing in penny stocks should do several online searches and plenty of reading around terms like 'Penny Stock, Fraud, Scam, Pump & Dump', etc. There are myriad ways to manufacture and manipulate the appearance of public sentiment regarding these OTC markets and much of it flies under the radar, so numerous are the transgressions. The SEC can't possibly police them all, so it's the wild west of investing. Caveat emptor…

  3. I have invested in a few penny stocks, they lost most of their value so I learned not to. Now that I have a decent amount of ‘Rule One Investment’ training I would probably be better but I don’t want to risk it yet. I’ll stick to mid / large cap stocks for now.

  4. Hi Phil, great Video… Only wished I found informative information like this before the GFC, Yes I've invested in penny stocks and in short ; I invested thousands and walked away with penny's…maybe that why they are called penny stocks… no matter how much you invest you get back penny's. =)

  5. ah, penny stocks, this video nails ACB right on the head, when ACB first came out, it was dirt cheap, and if you bought it then ( Nov 2017ish ) and sold it in Jan 2018 when it hit around 14+$ a share, you would have made a lot of money, but then after Jan 2018 or possibly Feb 2018 it was nothing but a down hill slope on diarrhea, but even with that, there was still some money to be made, so around july-ish i believe i dumped 1600 bucks into it ( because it was at an "all time low" ) and then after i dumped some money into it, the stock just got lower and lower and lower and LOWER, it was absolute madness, and its funny, because it's exactly what you said, the company was just dishing out more outstanding shares, to the point there were 500 million shares outstanding, but i kept on, worse case scenario out 1600 bucks and lesson learned, good case scenario: eventually it will go higher than what i bought and then sell and then get out, so i held on, ( i bought these shares when it was 9 dollars ) and it went all the way down to around 5 $ a share, but i held on still, and then out of nowhere it starting to sky rocket in price ( mostly from the fact that ACB was apparently to do some deal with coca-cola ) and the shares basically a week later were over 10 $, so once they hit 10.50 i sold, made my profit and never looked back, even though my profit wasnt huge, profit is still profit, and it was a nice little learning curve on the craziness of penny stocks, i still have one other penny stock in my portfolio at the moment and its doing terrible, but thats okay, i've got time, i will wait, it doesnt need to make much more than what i bought it at for me to make some decent money, and again, its the same case scenario: worse case; lose 1600 bucks, good case; make some profit and get out

  6. Penny stocks all over the Nasdaq and very liquid traded by noobs daily. Not sure what this guy is talking about them being over the counter and illiquid.

  7. last year i threw some money into this stock called TOPS when it was .20 cents i sold it thinking it'll go nowhere then i went to check on it a few weeks ago and it was at $1 🙁

  8. Research research and read some more, so hey the last 1p stock I bought, was on a news headline and some quick research. But as the investment (and yes I now count it as that, because I have since done some proper research and I am looking to increase my £80 investment, no joke the buying fees made up nearly 8% of the purchase?) But that was a 1 off, and as you can see at £80, I can afford to lose the whole of my investment, so I just have to do a few hours extra work to make it up?

    Over here in the UK we have what is called the AIM market, these are largely penny stocks and many less than 50p(65c) due to the fact that most companies issue more shares than our US cousins, a £10/$14 share is not the most common (BP currently trade at £5.70 or $7.40). I recently did a trawl through the whole of the Aim listed shares, and 70% are not worth looking further. But having succesfully done quite nicely I decided to risk £300/£400 on some bets (pure gambling), but | still did a lot of research. A word of warning to all, some directors lie, others just bend the truth a little to impress. Graphene, the next big thing, do NOT invest until there is any actual breakthrough. The Chinese, Japanese, Germans, US are all investing heavily in this next big thing, so are we here in UK, and it is all wishful thinking, and 18 months away (May 2018) and will still be 18 months away from the big breakthrough in 2020?

    But if you do your research you will hit some gems, but do not invest heavily, 'bet' what you can lose 100%. I looked closely at over 40 companies, and chose 3. Incidently 1 company I rejected but looked good initially, has already gone bust? I have since looked and revised my position, and 2 of the three are on my sell list. However 1 is looking good, and it is because the management look good, so I have doubled my investment to £200 (eh up lad, tha's talking to a canny Yorkshireman not some $Billionaire from Omaha lol) and might increase it when my other shares sell, and the £80 bet is looking good for an increase?
    Read research and research some more. :-))

  9. I am a new investor and I have been experimenting with some penny stocks but I'm only buying one share at a time. My real investments are in stocks that are $15-$50 and I'm staying in for weeks or a couple of,months at a time and trying to make a profit that way. I'm still learning to read balance sheets and learning to understand cash flow p/e ratios and volume. Its all very interesting. I am also making some long term investments as well.

  10. I am invested in penny stocks right now! It wasn't my plan to start off investing in penny stocks, but the industry I am looking is going through a tremendous bear market. The market is uranium.

    Meaning: 1) Uranium produces cheap, green energy! 2) One pound of uranium can power a light bulb for 800+ years of electricity; whereas, 1 lb of coal can only power a light bulb for less than 5 days! 3) In the US, 20% of power comes from uranium, but it creates 60% of carbon free electricity.

    Moat: A lot of time is required to permit and build a mine ~ 10 years. Because it takes so long to permit/build a mine, new companies that come into the uranium sector also run the risk of building and producing uranium when the market is on the downturn.

    Margin of Safety: the entire uranium industry has a market cap of less than $7 billion!!!! Some companies are trading less than their cash on hand. Some uranium companies also have other resources (titanium, vanadium) that if valued alone can make up the entire market cap of the company!

    Management: Great thing about uranium market right now is that the number of companies has decreased from 500 (at its peak) to around 40 (now). That makes it much easier to spot the qualified management teams.

  11. Usually small unkniw companies. May come from dilution.
    1, High volatile
    2, No enough liquidity (hard to sell)
    3, No enough history data for analysis
    4, More possible to drop to zero

    Benefits: may be high return.

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